

Egg-Shell Funnel

Envelope Funnel

Hinge Vise

Nail Hanger

Screw on Screwdriver

Make Fire With Ice

Remove a Ring

Measure a Tree


Pulling Staples

Quick Lawn Sprinkler

The Boy Mechanic, vol. 1, page 337

A screw that is taken from a place almost inaccessible with the fingers requires considerable patience to return it with an ordinary screwdriver unless some holding-on device is used. I have found that by putting a piece of cardboard or thick paper with the blade of the screwdriver in the screw head slot, the screw may be held and turned into places that it would be impossible with the screwdriver alone. - Contributed by C. Chatland, Ogden, Utah.

“It is most profitable, it is blessed, to be always looking beyond second causes in all our trials and distresses, and to discern the Lord's hand, in infinite love and wisdom, appointing all. For this brings the soul into a state of resignation and tranquility at least, if not of holy Joy.”
–Robert Hawker, Poor Man’s Commentary, Psalm 17