

Egg-Shell Funnel

Envelope Funnel

Hinge Vise

Nail Hanger

Screw on Screwdriver

Make Fire With Ice

Remove a Ring

Measure a Tree


Pulling Staples

Quick Lawn Sprinkler


The Boy Mechanic, vol. 1, page 275

The amateur photographer often has some solution which he desires to put into a bottle which his glass funnel will not fit, says the Photographic Times. The funnel made by rolling up a piece of paper usually allows half of the solution to run down the outside of the bottle, thereby causing the amateur to be dubbed a "musser." A better way is to take an ordinary envelope and cut it off as shown by the dotter lines. Then clip a little off the point, open out, and you have a funnel that will not give any trouble. It is cheap and you can afford to throw it away when dirty, thereby saving time and washing.

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self–discipline.”
2 Timothy 1:7