

Egg-Shell Funnel

Envelope Funnel

Hinge Vise

Nail Hanger

Screw on Screwdriver

Make Fire With Ice

Remove a Ring

Measure a Tree


Pulling Staples

Quick Lawn Sprinkler

hose sprinkler

The Boy Mechanic, vol. 2, page 356

Where there is no prop or water sprinkler at hand for tilting the nozzle of a hose, start to tie a knot in the hose, as shown in the sketch, but do not draw it up tightly. the hose nozzle can be tilted to any angle in this manner. - Contributed by S. J. Eddy, Portland, Oregon.

“A saint cannot do evil before men but he gives opportunity for sinners to speak evil of God. If there be any spots on a Christian's coat, the world will soon spy them.”
–George Swinnock in Works