

Egg-Shell Funnel

Envelope Funnel

Hinge Vise

Nail Hanger

Screw on Screwdriver

Make Fire With Ice

Remove a Ring

Measure a Tree


Pulling Staples

Quick Lawn Sprinkler

reemove ring

The Boy Mechanic, vol. 1, page 361

When a ring cannot be removed easily from the finger, take a string or thread and draw one end through between the ring and the flesh. Coil the other end of the string around the finger covering the part from the ring to and over the finger joint. Uncoil the string by taking the end placed through the ring and at the same time keep the ring close up to the string. in this way the ring can be easily slipped over the knuckle and off from the finger. - Contributed by J.K. Miller, Marietta, Penn.

“Since the fall, God will not trust us with our own salvation, but it is both purchased and kept by Christ for us, and we for it through faith, wrought by the power of God.”
–Richard Sibbes, The Bruised Reed and Smoking Flax