Sunday, February 19, 2006

Monrovia School Link Preview ~ Number 154 ~ February 19, 2006

Apprently bond measures are in the works. The district wants to renovate Monrovia High and the City wants to redo the library. Read below and see how many items you can count that relate to bonds. Also, there's a bit of bond-history from John Pentecost, a local realtor.

As I'm sure you know, the board meets at the school district office at 325 E. Huntington Drive, across from Smart & Final. Okay, on the agenda for this Wednesday, Feb. 22:

At 5 p.m. there'll be a study session in the Board Room involving "Further Board discussion with bond underwriters and bond counsel about potential bond options for improving facilities at Monrovia High School."

Then, at the regular meeting, starting at 7 p.m.

- There will be a report on the City/Board Joint Meeting on February 9, 2006, the Study Session of February 15, 2006, and the Study Session earlier in the evening.

- The Monrovia Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Education will honor district employees for their outstanding service: Sonia Cabrera, Child Development Center Instructional Aide at Canyon Early Learning Center, and Leticia Gosewisch, Preschool Teacher at Canyon Early Learning Center.

- The Board will honor Monrovia High School teacher Marc Segal as the Seaver Award recipient for 2005-06.

- The Board will hear reports on the development of the Wellness Policy and on "MHS - Building for the Future."

- The Board will vote on whether to "approve an extended field trip to Las Vegas, Nevada, on March 10-12, 2006, of the Monrovia High School band members, Band Director, MHS instructors and parents for the Winter Guard International Western Regional Drum Competition." Remember parents, you're chaparones. No sneaking off to the Bellagio while you're on duty.

- The Board will vote on the revised 2005-2006 bus schedule for home-to-school transportation.

- The Board will receive the annual Enrollment and Certificated Staff Report.

- The Board will vote on whether to authorize a facilities bond election on June 6, 2006, and establishing the specifications of the election order. [What are specifications of the election order?]

- The Board will receive a Position Control Report for 2005-2006. [And what's a position control report?]

- In closed session, the board will do a "performance Evaluation Review for Superintendent/District Administrators" and will consider readmitting some students who were expelled. After reconvening in public, the board will report on what it did in private.

BOND MEASURES ~ Because the city and school district may both want to have voters adopt bond measures this June, reader John Pentecost, a real estate agent, sent in a bit of history about recent bonds in Monrovia:

1. In 1982, The Monrovia Redevelopment Agency sold $1,475,000 in Certificates of Participation (COP) to finance the construction of the MUSD Administration Building on Huntington Drive.

2. In 1997 the School Board floated a bond for $35 million to renovate, update and build new classrooms. Cost per parcel: $40.65 per 100,000 assessed value.

3. July 11, 2000. Ballot Measures A passed with 85% approval and Measure B passed with 77.2% approval. (Hillside and Wilderness Preservation). Cost per parcel: $39 (single family residence) ($29 per rental unit).

4. In 2004 the City of Monrovia attempted to obtain State of California funding for renovation and expansion of the city library. The grant was not awarded.

5. Measure G approved by voters for Citrus Community College. Cost per parcel: $17.63 per $100,00 assessed value.

6. In 2005 the School Board determined that it had underestimated the cost of completing the reconstruction and updating the schools with measure GO money, so the board made a decision to defer renovation and updating of Monrovia High School.

7. In 2006 the City of Monrovia may decide to float a bond for the renovation and expansion of the City Library. Cost per parcel: To be determined.

8. In 2006 the School Board decided to investigate floating a bond for the reconstruction and remodeling of the Monrovia High School. Cost per parcel: To be determined.

- John Pentecost

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