Saturday, October 22, 2005

Monrovia School Link ~ Number 144 ~ October 22, 2005

Well, you get a twofer this time. First, I wanted to give you my thinking so far about the school board candidates. I'll complete my decisions after the candidates' forum, but I have come to some conclusions. And by the way, I'd like to hear what you think. Also, there's the agenda for this Wednesday's school board meeting. Oh! And don't forget - candidates forum this Tuesday, 7 p.m. at the MHS auditorium.

Let me go through my thinking on the candidates.

The first person I interviewed was Clarence Shaw, way back in like February. Clarence is a nice guy, even when I've been critical (or let someone else write something critical about him), and that speaks well of him, but there is something that really bothers me about his candidacy. He moved to town less than a year ago and immediatly began running for office. Now you may think that is a good thing, an indicator that he wants to jump in and help. I had a letter that made that argument, so I understand if you disagree. But still, I very feel uncomfortable with someone who was involved in Pasadena politics coming to Monrovia, joining a lot of clubs and immediately wanting to be a leader of the school district. I may be utterly wrong, but it feels like the step of someone wanting to start a political career. That impression was reenforced a few days ago when I learned that Shaw is a leader in a local Democratic political club ( There's nothing wrong or illegal with any of this and I don't care if he's a Democrat (I endorsed at least one last election), but I do want to be convinced that the person who becomes a school board member is really interested in the Monrovia schools and not the city council or state legislature or something else. Further, I really feel that Shaw needs to be in town a few years before he leads us. He has joined a lot of organizations where he can do a lot of good and I'd like to see him really *involved* in those organizations before he becomes one of the decision makers on things that seriously affect Monrovians' lives.

So, in my own thinking, that narrowed it to three.

Next, Chris Rich. On initially interviewing him I felt that Rich needed a better grasp on school administration, though I liked his personality. But later I saw him at the board meeting I attended and he seems to be studying and learning and dedicated (he was there even for the study session and stuck it out until the end of the regular meeting - no small accomplishment). He's been involved at Mayflower school (and judging from the lawn signs, it seems his fellow Mayflower parents like him). Also he's busily sending out campaign junk mail, so again, it seems he's really trying. I should add that campaigning in itself doesn't impress me, but effort does, and like Shaw, he appears to be really making the effort. In fact, as I was writing this, he made another effort, calling to ask if I'd endorse him. My immediate response was "Owww!" But after I disentangled my foot from the cat's claws, I thought about it and realized that he was solidly in my top two list, and with two open seats, I felt I could safely endorse him, and did.

So, those are my only firm decisions.

The two I have not firmly decided upon are Nick Laushkin and Debbie Elliott-Penzer. However, I am leaning toward Laushkin.

Initially Laushkin was my top pick because during my interview with him I was impressed with his intelligence and grasp of school issues and with his involvement at the high school. But I haven't see much effort since then, though perhaps I've just missed it. I haven't seen any lawn signs or mailings for him and I didn't see him at the board meeting I attended. I now understand that he has had a very serious family health crisis, so maybe that's why, but I'd really like to see something that requires effort - something in addition to words - to show me he's serious.

It could be that he - and Elliot-Penzer (next up) - could just be lousy campaigners. But lousy campaigners may actually be good administrators, which is what really counts.

I initially felt Debbie Elliott-Penzer needed a better grasp on school administration. Perhaps she is more knowledgeable now. She was at the same board meeting where I saw Chris Rich (but no other candidates, I might add), so she's making some effort. However, if you read her statement (that I sent out in the last issue) you'll find a few grammar errors, which doesn't seem great for a school board candidate. I wandered down near Plymouth school - where she's spent so much of her life - to see if there were any lawn signs for her. There weren't any. But, a big plus is her lifetime residence in Monrovia, her leadership with the PTA and her longggg dedication to the schools. I suspect she'd work like a bulldog if elected.

Hopefully I can figure out which of them to vote for at the candidates forum (Tuesday October 25 at 7 p.m. at the Monrovia High School). Be there or be square.

By the way, I should add that I'm not the only one making up his mind about the candidates. I was at a Monrovia restaurant recently and saw a flyer by Foothill Community Democrats that urges people to vote for Nick Laushkin and Clarence Shaw. This is the club's right, of course, but my preference would be that the national parties keep their noses out of local politics. And yes, I mean Republicans too.

I wanted to write these thoughts down a bit before the election to give everybody time to respond. So what do you think? Am I right or wrong? Where are the gaps in my thinking? What kind of an idiot am I?

BOARD MEETING ~ Here's the agenda for Wednesday's board meeting. There's be a study aession at 6 p.m. to discuss "board guidelines, board self-evaluation, and board calendar" and then the regular board meeting will be at 7 p.m.

At the regular meeting:

- The Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Education will recognise these district employees for outstanding service: Connie Delgado, office manager, Adult Education; Natalie Kuyper, teacher, Adult Education; Terrie Maertens, instructional assistant, Canyon Oaks High School; John Russell, teacher, Canyon Oaks High School.

- The board will thank the City of Monrovia for installing flashing caution lights at the intersection of Foothill Boulevard and California Avenue for pedestrian safety.

- Representatives of Monrovia Youth Council will talk about their organization and its activities.

- Business officer Linda Dempsey will give an update on the district facilities advisory committee and on future facility plans, and Donna MacLeod will give an update on health services.

- The board will accept $3,000 from Wild Rose PTA; $1,000 for copy machine maintenance and $2,000 to augment teachers' stipends for student activities before and after school. Wow! Way cool of you, Wild Rose PTA.

- There'll be a public hearing about "the adequacy of text book funding and the availability of textbooks and instructional materials in the district for student use during 2005-2006, and to adopt a resolution and certification on the sufficiency of textbooks and instructional materials in order to secure funds from the Instructional Materials Funding Realignment Program Account."

- The board will hear the Student Support Services annual report, which includes an overview of the Healthy Start Program, Healthy Kids Survey, Tobacco Use Prevention Education, and the Safe and Drug Free School Program, After School Learning and Safe Neighborhood Program, Medi-Cal/Healthy Families Program, Safety and Violence Prevention, Nutrition, and the Cops in School Program.

- The board will hear report on the certificated employee credentials held by all teaching staff during the 2005-2006 school year.

- There will be public hearings on the initial proposal topics for modification of the current Monrovia Teachers Association / District collective bargaining agreement, and approve the Joint Initial Proposal for 2005-2006 negotiations. Then the same sort of hearing for the California State Employees Association collective bargaining.

- And another public hearing about the reappointment of Lupe Davis, the Board's appointee to the Personnel Commission.

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