Thursday, August 04, 2005

Monrovia School Link ~ Number 132 ~ August 4, 2005

Yikes! It appears only two candidates so far have filed to run for the two open seats in the Monrovia School Board election, and the closing date for filing is just days away!

The deadline for filing is August 12 at 5 p.m., just eight days away as I write this. If nobody else files, we will by default elect the only two people to file, and I really don't think that's the best way to come up with our elected officials.

Clarence Shaw and Nick Laushkin have both filed (good for them), but where are the incumbents? Have Monina Diaz and Bruce Carter decided they're not going to run? I've heard a rumor, but it'd be mighty nice if they'd let the community know for sure - like RIGHT NOW - since that would undoubtedly influence other people's decisions about whether to run.

I know there are dedicated people in the community who would be good board members (no, not me), and I hope they step up. I'd really urge those of you who are involved in various community organizations to speak to people you know who would do a good job and ask them to consider running. Or if you have the qualifications, please consider running yourself.

Despite all the problems lately, I really think the board has begun to change in a positive way, and I'd hate to see things stagnate because we don't get the best possible people on the board.

You can check the current status of filings at the county County Registrar's Office.

Thanks for listening to me rant, and - oops! - I just ran across a letter that fell between the digital cracks. It's pretty dated, but better late than never. Sorry about that, Sam.

LETTER: HARDEST WORKING: Brad, As you know, I have always signed my e-mails and had no problem whatsoever with you publishing my name with my statements. I feel people should own up to their comments but I could understand why some people would not. Most people who do not sign their letters do so because they want to let their point be known, but do not want to open themselves up to the abuse that is dealt out by some parents who have nothing better to do than to sit behind their keyboards and lash-out. And I am sure with a school board election coming up, the lashing out is going to get worse. I must admit, I am rarely happy with all the school board members, but of all the school board members, I am most pleased with Clare. She is by far the hardest working of the board and is not afraid to take an issue head on. So I was sort of surprised by the abuse she took in the last newsletter [Number 126]. Keep up the good work Clare, You are doing a great job. People who are dreaming (and hopefully that's all it will ever be, just that, a dream) of a seat on the school board should level their criticism at the people who are actually up for re-election and not the people who hurt your feelings or the feelings of those on your PTA board. ~ Sam Jacoby

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