Sunday, May 08, 2005

Monrovia School Link ~ Number 119 ~ May 8, 2005

Thanks to Maria Gray for this detailed write-up of the April 27 Board of Education meeting. In this issue we have the report on the last meeting, a preview of what's coming up at the next meeting, and the text of a couple comments that were recently presented to the board. First, the April 27 meeting; a few things caught my eye: Dennis Jones wanted to know more about the MUSD Financing Corporation; now that he's brought it up, I wanna know too. And - fast answer - Business Boss Linda Dempsey will have a report on that at the upcoming meeting. Again, congrats to Ed Gilliland and the Big M Boosters on the snack bar/restroom groundbreaking at MHS. And here's a snip from Maria's report on Item 7.9: "The Board, Linda Dempsey warned, "will be faced with many budget reductions." Tough decisions coming.

April 27 meeting called to order at 7:13 pm

Roll Call: All Board members in attendance. Tanya Pan, MHS Student Rep.

Item 2.4: Close Session Report -- During Close Session Board heard information and reports on the following: Bargaining Process, Negotiations w/Teacher's Association, and Public Employees' Assignments. No actions taken by Board during Close Session.

Item 2.5: Approval of March 23rd Regular Board Meeting Minutes and Approval of March 24th. Special Board Meeting Minutes. All in favor, motion carried.

Item 2.6: Public Comment/Open Session (Items on the Agenda) -- There were none.

Item 2.7: Order of Business -- Per Dr. Taylor's request-Due to the large number of public speakers, Item 9.3 (Proposed Revisions to Board Policy) will follow Item 3.0. All in favor, motion carried.

Item 3.0: Consent Agenda -- Has been reviewed by both staff and board. No items have been pulled. Item 8.1 is as is; Item 8.2 is as amended; Item 7.7 is as amended. All in favor to approve Consent Agenda as amended, motion carried.

Special Recognition: California Adult School Student Award -- Elizabeth Tapia along with the Board helped honor Ulises Gutierrez for his hard work and dedication noting him worthy of the prestigious award. Congratulations, Ulises!

Item 9.3: Proposed Revisions to Board Policy 51.27 (High School Regulation Requirements) -- Joel Shawn introduced the first reading of proposed revision regarding the holding of a higher GPA for an MHS diploma attainment. It was explained that the State has its State Education Code, but will allow the district to establish its own. Tracey Gholar (V.P. @ MHS) along with Jim Tarouilly (Principal @ Canyon Oaks) discussed the preliminary strategies for the implementation of the raised 2.0 requirement. The campus academic senate and various leadership groups are highly in favor of "upping" the GPA requirement as a recommended revision to the H.S. graduation requirements. The Board agreed it was an excellent proposal, and would like to move it along, but would like further information as to cost implementation. Dr. Taylor and Monina Diaz suggested bringing item back for a second reading at the next board meeting. All agreed.

Item 4.2: Public Comments for Items Not on the Agenda --

Joel Mechison (sp.?) of Mayflower Elementary expressed his frustration at the Board's acceptance of Jill Selak's resignation but encouraged all to move on. Joel questioned as to when the new principal will be on board. Dr. Taylor said it will take about 8 weeks.

John Watson from the Monrovia Leadership Academy has launched a program which reaches out to teenagers at the high school in hopes of encouraging them to become active members of the community. Students will be meeting with community leaders and the Academy is looking for them to establish "student representation" in committees, councils and boards. John will be meeting with Mr. Zepeda at the high school in hopes of bringing the program directly into the school. Dr. Taylor commended John for the excellent program he runs.

Joann Spring of Monrovia Reads will be hosting a fundraiser Monday, April 2nd at the Krikorian Theater and is inviting everyone to come out and support this pro-active safety net program that promotes literacy programs throughout the city.

Dennis Jones would like more information on the MUSD Financing Corporation and its relation to the Board. Dennis stated that public records show the status of this corporation as "suspended for failure to meeting filing requirements." Linda Dempsey will look into Mr. Jones' request and provide further information concerning this organization.

Mary Fahey expressed concern, as a member of the community, over the havoc that has been created at Mayflower Elementary. Mary is encouraging parents to stop the anger and to continue moving forward in a peaceful manner and to please let our elected officials do their job.

Ann McIntosh expressed concern over the possibility that there may be a problem plaguing the school district -- due to the fact that two popular principals' contracts were not renewed. Ann introduced a new grassroots organization that has come together in order to create a "better means of communication" between the board and the community. "COMPASS" is committed to being a source of information and representation for district families and is looking to closely monitor the practices of district administrators, endorsing of candidates who adhere to their beliefs and principles, is looking to actively get politically involved as an educational lobbyist, and promises to be independent of the school district. Ann stated COMPASS is ready to listen to the community and is looking for long-term solutions and focusing on the future. You can obtain further information on this new organization by logging on to

Maria Gray of Mayflower Elementary asked for the Mayflower community to once again come together as one and to focus on restoring harmony at the school for the sake of the children.

Item 4.3: Board Member Reports -- Bruce Carter visited Clifton as it celebrated its recent Distinguished School Award and commended the school for the upbeat, positive image they project! He said they had much to be proud of! Bruce also thanked the district and community for the wonderful flowers, cards, and good wishes he received during his recent surgery.

Bryan Wong thanked all those who spoke tonight for their meaningful, well thought-out expression of words. Bryan said the Board appreciates knowing where the community focus is and that the input is greatly appreciated.

Clare Chesley attended Open House at the high school and was very impressed with the creative "700 Campaign" program that is taking place right now. Clare credited Oscar Ibarra and Samarah Hirsh at the high school for creating the STAR testing campaign with its slogan: "Be a Star -- Raise the Bar." The program was created to help instill pride in students' testing abilities and to try to achieve a testing score of over "700". Clare commended the school for the creative way it thought to motivate its students during this very important period of testing.

Betty Sanford followed up on Joann Spring's Monrovia Reads' Fundraiser. She praised Joann for all her hard work and dedication to the children of Monrovia and reminded everyone that this program is at no cost to the district. She encouraged everyone to go out and help support the May 2nd fundraiser at the Krikorian between the hours of 5-8 p.m.

Monina Diaz attended the Monrovia/Duarte Founders Day Celebration on Monday. She felt the evening was very positive and upbeat, where all schools were able to reflect upon their accomplishments and their goals for the future. She said it was very uplifting for the Board to see all the great parents, teachers, and staff that help make our schools special places for all of our children! Monina also attended a meeting of the Monrovia/ Duarte Black Alumni Association. This group would like to lend support by becoming involved in programs such as "Adopt-A-School" or by promoting and supporting things such as parental involvement or advocacy. Monina will continue to work with this organization and encourage it in its efforts to help our schools.

Item 4.4: MHS Student Rep. Report -- Tanya Pan, Student Representative commended the "STAR Testing 700 Campaign" and stressed the importance of students doing their very best. Tanya went over the MHS May Calendar of Events.

Item 4.5: Superintendent's Report -- Dr. Taylor also applauded Clifton on its recent Distinguished School Award! Dr. Taylor noted that they have a goal of having ALL Monrovia schools be "Distinguished" school recipients some day! "We're already 50% there," she commented! Dr. Taylor congratulated the MHS Vocational Club for receiving special awards/recognitions at both local and state level. And, three students will be competing at the national level as well! Two of our counseling programs have been recognized by the State Counseling Association for meeting such high standards: The Adult School and Santa Fe Middle School. Congratulations to Ed Gilliland and the Big M Boosters for the ground breaking ceremony of both the football field snack bar and restrooms. Ed has done an excellent job of bringing the special project on to the high school, but he still needs help -- money is still being accepted to help completion of the project. Dr. Taylor congratulated all of our schools and all PTA recipients at this year's Founders Day Awards Banquet. She said she was proud to have been part of such a wonderful night. PTA presidents have been meeting with Louise on a monthly basis, and she hopes to continue these luncheons next school year because they help connect her to these individuals and the schools they serve. She attended Open House at the various schools and was most impressed by the number of parent involvement and appreciated the quality of students' work on display.

Item 6.9: Approval of a New Course at MHS -- Joel Shawn is looking for the Board's approval in bringing an Honor's Physics in Automotive Engineering class to the high school this fall. The class will be at no cost to the school because it will not require a new instructor or new materials. It will be built into the existing staff. Motion was made to approve the new course at MHS. All in favor, motion carried.

Item 6.10: 2004 Summer Intervention Program Report -- Susan Hirsh gave a PowerPoint presentation providing an overview and a summary on this past summer's programs. The report reviewed the following: Enrollment, Intervention, Enrichment, Special Education, and CELDT programs both at the middle and high school. Ms. Hirsh also gave a preview of the 2005 summer program at the various sites. They are looking into "enrichment academies" for the elementary and middle schools. Joel Shawn thanked Ms. Hirsh for all her hard work in implementing the summer school programs throughout the district.

Item 7.9: 2005/2006 Preliminary Budget Projections -- Linda Dempsey, gave an overview of the preliminary budget's components. (Most items have been presented at previous meetings.) She highlighted the Revenue and Expenditure Comparison of the current year and highlighted the Ending Balance Analysis and the Revenue Limit. (Copy of report was distributed.) Report includes adjusting of staff for a declining student enrollment. Dr. Taylor noted that this is still only in the preliminary stages and that the Board will be faced with many budget reductions and that this is all still in the discussion stages and that cutbacks and recommendations will be brought to the Board for review at the end of May. Monina Diaz agreed and noted that the budget report will be brought up for further discussion at the end of May. Board agreed.

Item 8.4: Setting a Salary for New Staff Assistant in the After School Program -- Debby Collins reported that the position had been reviewed and approved back on March 23rd. The additional clerical position is "categorically" funded and has no impact on the general budget. Motion was made to approve the new staff position. All in favor, motion carried.

Item 8.5: Adopt Resolution in Honor of Staff Appreciation Day and Day of the Teacher and Classified Employee of the Week -- Motion was made to approve all noted days of recognition. All in favor, motion carried.

Item 9.2: Second Reading on Board Policy 11-60 (Political Advocacy) -- Board was asked to review packet and asked if they had any questions. Betty Sanford asked for more information as to the role the Board plays on advocacy. Dr. Taylor explained that the California School Boards Association policy reads that "a board member can advocate but only as a individual citizen, the board cannot urge the public to lobby the legislature on behalf of the district." Betty stated it is because of district funding reasons that this is so. Louise has yet to hear from CSBA as to "why" this is so, but as soon as she receives information, she will inform the board. Clare Chesley is encouraging the board to "team up" with other school districts -- so to have a stronger voice and create a larger impact. Bruce Carter reminded the board that there is a legislative conference coming up in two weeks and that he will attend. Dr. Taylor noted that there should be specific reference made regarding the teaming up with other districts under the advocacy paragraph in the coalition of the district policy. Monina Diaz stated that she wants to make sure the advocacy policy continues to stay strong amongst the board and that all advocacy messages get on the agenda on a quarterly basis.

Dr. Taylor asked if the board had looked at the "State Non-Federal Budget Statements" and if the board's needs and interests were met, then they should be adopted and worked on later so to share them with legislatures in the future. A board consensus agreed to bring the "State Non-Federal Budget Statements" back to the board for a third reading and adoption.

Item 9.4: First Reading for Proposed Revision of Group Policy 135.4 (Food Service/Child Nutrition Program) -- Linda Dempsey reported this policy will now separate child nutrition from the "operations" of the cafeteria program and from the operation in regards to the Free and Reduced Lunch Application. This new policy will allow the district to access application data and use it to provide accurate information when evaluating school programs. Board agreed to bring the policy back for future review.

Item 9.5: First Reading for Proposed Board Policy (Sales of District Owned Real Property) -- Linda Dempsey noted that this policy allows the Board to address declining enrollment. The primary intent of the legislature was that leases of school sites will involve the community and the staff. This will outline the structure of the advisory committee and the committee's responsibility to analyze facility capacity and to make recommendations to the Board on leasing, selling or closing a facility. Dr. Taylor asked to bring this proposal back for adoption on consent at the next meeting. Board agreed. Also, due to time constraints, Dr. Taylor asked that Linda Dempsey's report on Plan for Monitoring Declining Enrollment be placed on the Superintendent's Report portion of next meeting's agenda. Dr. Taylor also requested that the report Jenny Jenesly (sp.?) and Donna McCloud were to present on "What is Being Proposed for the Canyon/CELC Facility" also put on the May agenda. Board agreed.

Item 9.6: Amending the 2005/2006 Agenda -- The October 12, 2006 Board meeting conflicts with Yon Kippur. This meeting will be eliminated. Motion made to eliminate the October 12th meeting. All in favor, motion carried.

Old Business - There are two more Board meetings left (one in May and one in June). Personnel Commission will meet on May 19th. Board visits Plymouth on May 12th and visits MHS on June 2nd.

New Business -- None.

Adjournment -- Monina Diaz adjourned the meeting at 10:01 pm in memory of retired Plymouth Principal, Grace McClaren, who recently passed away (four months shy of 100 years old.)

PREVIEW ~ Okay. Brad talking now: The May 11 Board Meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Well, actually there'll be a 6:30 p.m. closed session, but you weren't invited so I didn't want to tell you for fear of hurting your feelings. BUT, I can tell you that in the closed session, the board is going to discuss its negotiations with the Monrovia Teachers Association, and is going to do a performance evaluation for Superintendent Louise Taylor.

At the regular meeting, the board will honor a schoolbusload of people, including counselors, students and even a local employer. Then, a little later, Chief Business Officer Linda Dempsey will report on declining enrollment and will answer questions about the MUSD Financing Corporation (apparently prompted by Dennis Jones' question at the last meeting). The board will also hear a report on the possible uses of the vacant classrooms at Canyon Early Learning Center. And then after that they're going to do some other stuff, some of which I can't decipher and some of which appears to be just routine.

LOVE AND TRUST ~ Well, okay, this is not exactly a letter. This is a statement Mary Fahey delivered to the board and which she sent me (which is what qualifies it as a letter) to reprint. So here it goes:

My name is Mary Fahey. I have had children in Mayflower since 1989 and have seen a lot of changes at that school. My youngest daughter graduated to Clifton in 2003 and finally ended my elementary school days.

From history we learn that to stand by idly allows the few to rule without opposition.

At Mayflower, this is what is happening. It is sad that Jill Selak has decided to not speak herself, but has allowed a few to create havoc and an environment that does not really allow freedom to occur. The situation at Mayflower is not good for the education of our children and Ms. Selak should not allow the politicalization of the campus for her own defense whether she has been wronged or not.

Our goal should be the education of every child to the best of their ability. This cannot happen in a fearful or politically charged environ. We need to evaluate what we are doing. Children generally follow adults and mimic their parents, sometimes to our great embarrassment. We are all their teachers. If we are small and mean toward others, they learn this. If we feel that our viewpoint is the only correct one and other opinions should be persecuted, they will learn and imitate this. From these attitudes, they learn prejudice and hatred. I do not want this to be taught in the Monrovia Schools.

What I want for the children of the Monrovia Schools is that they learn to listen and respect opinions of others without vindictiveness or hatred. I want them to learn tolerance and love for their fellow man regardless of his appearance or opinion or religious beliefs. I want them to learn laughter and the joys of life and learning

I know that I sometimes fail in tolerance and acceptance of others, but I do try to teach my children that there is more than one way to do anything and that just because someone else does it differently does not make it wrong or bad, just different.

It is time to let go of the anger and vitriol surrounding the resignation of Jill Selak and move forward teaching our children that in life we don't need to have the reasons for everything, or agree with decisions but we need to learn to trust the officials that we have elected and hired to do their jobs to the best of their abilities and make the difficult decisions that can affect us all.

We need to teach our children, more than anything, to love and trust each other. We also need to teach them to be vigilant against hatred and blind prejudice that destroys without regard for the future.

Thank you all for listening.

RESTORE THE HARMONY ~ And the second letter, also a statement to the board:

My name is Maria Gray. My husband Henry and I have four children (two at Monrovia High, one at Clifton Middle School and a little one at Mayflower Elementary). Two years ago, I had to cast a vote. I tried so hard to make a good choice! In good faith, and in good conscious, I looked for basic good qualities for those I elected to represent me, my children and our schools - to the best of their abilities - when undertaking decisions and actions.

Collectively, and as a group, you willed a response to a proposed decision regarding Mayflower's principal, Mrs. Jill Selak, giving it your full approval. I know you knew that executing your judgment call would have an enourmous impact on the Mayflower community - and probably on your personal lives, and the life of this board. - still, you again, as a collective group, went ahead with your decision. I look at you, and can only begin to imagine the difficult task each and every one of you undertake in the managing, supervising and administering of all our schools! The challenges that come before you, especially in sensitive personnel-related matters, must be horrendous!

You have stated that for legal reasons - and for confidentiality purposes, personnel related issues are not and cannot be disclosed in public. And I do understand that.

During this past year, I have gotten to know most all of you. I don't think that any of you enjoy creating controversy, havoc, or chaos. I believe that most of us here have a heart, have a conscience, and that in our every day lives we truly strive to do what is decent and civil! We may not always succeed, but at least we try! - We try to be moral, right and just people!

I know you could have predicted that Mayflower would be crushed and devastated by the decision you made! And you know that Mayflower is still today - hurting! But for reasons known to you alone, you are still together holding to that decision! What can I say, I have to respect that! Still, Mayflower is loosing its principal! When we find ourselves lost and confused, when we don't have all the answers, when the pieces of the puzzle don't come together, when we can't fully comprehend why it is some things have come to be ... we become frustrated - we get angry - and our emotions run wild! - and rightly so! There is so much information and misinformation out there! Much of it based on assumption, on feelings, with little evidence - and even less reason...and all of us know that little will be accomplished by trying to make sense of this misappropriated knowledge and information that may not have full substance and that we cannot whole-heartedly and dignifiedly verify and compute as yet.

The children are facing a loss - please parents, let's not make it any more difficult on them by putting them in the middle of this. One of the saddest things that I have heard throughout this entire ordeal is that a child said to a teacher, (quote) - "My mommy says you had something to do with our principal leaving!" Please parents, let's not involve the children!

And the teachers ... Some of our teachers have been with us for many many years! The legacy of Mayflower School does not reflect solely upon the present! Indeed, it has to reflect on its past history as well! ... A history full of hard-working, dedicated teachers and staff, who, like Jill Selak, also had a passion and a vision for their beloved Mayflower! Let's not forget, please, that for today and for all of our days, that we are only as strong as our weakest link! Mayflower has been fortunate throughout its years to have been blessed with wonderful teachers! These dedicated and devoted custodials have been the responsible trustees of our children day in and day out! For me, and my family, it has been a privilege to have encountered such exceptional educators! And to those of you whom we've had the honor of your teachings, may I say thank you for instilling in me such confidence - that I, with joy and pleasure, give to you my children on a daily basis!

Parents: I know that we wish we knew where to put blame... somewhere, anywhere - where the pain of loosing the very beloved Mrs. Selak may fit! Anywhere, anyone to whom we can project our pain, our loss onto! But the negativity and the tension that we have created amongst our parents and our teachers is wrong! They are the heart of the school! They are the ones serving the needs of our children! Please - let's not lose sight of that!

Mrs. Selak is leaving - the loss so great that it will undoubtedly take a long time to heal such deep-felt sorrow and mend such broken spirits. But for the sake of the children, we need to begin to restore the harmony that was once such a part of our Mayflower community. Mayflower is worthy and deserving of at least that much! We need to again come together and continue to support each other and begin to work as one for the good of the many! Mayflower has such a wonderful array of hard-working, dedicated, conscientious, fair and reasonable people. And I am asking of all of us here today to begin working in unity again, and to carry on to promote in good faith, a better, stronger Mayflower School! I thank you.

Also on the Web at

Monrovia School Link ~ Number 119 (Addendum)

I just got this note from a parent:

"I was told that somewhere on the new agenda that the Board will discuss something about attendance. My understanding is that this is actually a discussion about parental notification regarding students leaving the school for 'confidential medical appointments.' Evidently the Board is trying to clear up this policy and trying to decide if they are in fact going to allow students to leave during school hours without notifying parents."

Evidentially, my correspondent is referring to this item on the agenda:

9.5 RECEIVE FOR FIRST READING PROPOSED REVISIONS TO BOARD POLICY 5113, AND ACCOMPANYING ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION. Action: receive for first reading revisions to Board Policy 5113 and accompanying Administrative Regulation relating to school attendance.

If, in fact, this item is about clarifying a policy about whether to allow students to leave school for medical appointments without notifying parents, then this is highly annoying. The agenda is supposed to *inform* people about what is going on, not hide it. Dear School Board: Can we please cut the bureaucratese and just tell people what’s going on!

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