Monday, February 21, 2005

Monrovia School Link Preview ~ Number 107 ~ February 21, 2005

The board is going to discuss how to advocate for Monrovia schools and all the other schools in the United States (sounds like a big project). Also, there's a letter below about the proposed snack bar at MHS, and the Monrovia/Duarte PTA wanted me to pass along an announcement. Always glad to help... sometimes.

The next Monrovia School Board meeting is this Wednesday, February 23, at 7 p.m. in the board room at the district office.

In closed session the board is going to talk about whether to expel two MHS students and one Clifton student. That, and it is going to discuss its contract with the Monrovia Teachers Association and evaluate the Superintendent.

Then there's item 8.3: "Receive position control report for 2004-2005." What that is, I have no clue.

Item 8.4 I can figure out. "Receive the annual enrollment and certificated staffing report.

The board will also consider whether to proclaim March 1-5 as National School Breakfast Week, March as Arts Education Month, and March 6-12 as Week of the School Administrator. My bet (and I'll give 10-to-1 odds on it) is that the board approves all these.

The board will also discuss "plans for advocacy on behalf of Monrovia Unified School District and public schools across the state and nation" and will vote on candidates to fill two open slots in the California School Boards Association Delegate Assembly.

LETTER ~ "One short response to the person who was indignant that we could raise $36,000 for the MHS snack bar, but not for fundamentals - Let us explain to the letter writer that Mr. Gililland, no children left in the school district, has been fighting for YEARS to make this happen - we are still short - and we are still lacking a basic building - restrooms/snackbar that most other schools have for sports events -
I would agree that I should hope parents are willing to open pocketbooks for the basics, but the $36,000 collected has taken a long, long long time - and not taken one dime from other school services!"

FROM THE PTA ~ The Monrovia/Duarte PTA asked me to pass along the message that it wants you to contact the Governor's office to let him know your thoughts about his proposed 2005-06 State Budget. You can contact the Governor's office at (916) 445-2841. (Press the hot issue button, #5, and follow the prompts to leave a message.) Also, you can get in touch with local legislators by entering your zip code at The PTA suggests saying something like: "I am calling to urge your support for the Proposition 98 guaranteed funding level for our schools. A strong economy requires a first-class education system. The children in my schools are suffering because the present level of school funding is forcing cuts in important programs." You can find more info on the PTA's advocacy campaign at

This newsletter is also on the Web at

I wasn't "indignant" about the $36,000.00. I know that Mr. Gilliland is is big supported of Monrovia High School, especially the sports programs. It just amazes me that the community can raise that much money for something considered extra-ciricular but has not pulled together for our schools fundamental needs.
I also know that the funds were not taken from any other program. Please do not assume that just because someone expresses concern, dismay or disagreement with something that is happening in the community that they have no clue about that which they are addressing.
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