Monday, February 14, 2005

Monrovia School Link ~ Number 106 ~ February 14, 2005

I got enough comments about the last issue to create a whole "letters" edition of the newsletter. Two of the letters - which take opposite views - are about my interview with school board candidate Clarence Shaw. Also, I asked Shaw to give me his response. I won't weigh in with my opinion this time (except to say I think Shaw's response is very gracious) since I don't want to always have the last word... Well, actually I do always want the last word, but I'll restrain myself. Also, I now know what Clare Chesley means when she talks about "home rule" for schools.

UNFAIR ~ I think you've been unfair to Clarence Shaw: "He's a nice guy, but...," and you kinda wish he wasn't running this time around.

Of course, it's your list, and so you can call 'em as you see 'em. But to poke him in the eye while the other candidates are still hiding in the shadows seems rather unfair. And rash, unless you are trying to keep the field small. I think you should save the criticism for the fall, after everybody's cards are on the table.

I'm glad he's running ASAP. It indicates that he feels a sense of urgency about leading the schools to a better point. And if he has ideas for the finances that he wants to save for the campaign, that is reasonable. It sounds like you think he's sitting on some magic bullet idea that will suddenly save the day. Rather more likely he has ideas for strategic initiatives, the kinds of things that make for good campaign grist.

FROM A PTA MEMBER ~ I am a parent and PTA member at Monroe Elementary. I remember meeting Mr. Shaw at one of our Coffees with the Principal that Mr. Villegas holds monthly. He does indeed seem to be a nice, interested fellow. However, as you pointed out, he is new to the district, and since his children aren't at any of the schools yet, isn't knowledgable in school matters.

He asks that the district set goals for API scores. No Child Left Behind has already done that. There are target levels that all students nation-wide must achieve, and all students are expected to be Proficient (75th percentile) in all areas by 2013 (I believe that's the correct year). Additionally, each school should have their own target percentage increases set, as part of the Schoolwide Plan at each site. It's in each schools Accountability Report, under Performance Targets.The goals are very specific, and anyone can see these numbers. Ask your principal, or attend a school site council meeting.This is being done in response to NCLB, to insure that our schools meet the criteria. I believe this was district mandated, as the schoolwide plan's are.

In addition, he may have joined our PTA, but he has only shown up for one or two meetings. He does not attend on a regular basis, nor is he involved with the PTA.

I also agree with you that if he has ideas to help bring in money to the district, he should share tham now when we're in dire need. He may well turn out to be a great help to our community and our schools, but at this point he seems to be in need of experience and knowledge.

FROM CLARENCE SHAW ~ In one note, Shaw writes, "I want to thank you for your time and I want to commend you and your staff or keeping this newsletter moving. By the way, I thought the write-up you did on me was very good and I appreciate it."

In a separate letter, when I asked for a response to my comments, he wrote:

At this point, the only thing I want to clarify is the budget comments. I was not speaking to the fact that I knew where to find monies for this fiscal year's budget dilemna. The comments I made about improving the funding streams to the district's budget were ideals that I have that need to be carefully planned and implemented (with time and concerted efforts).

I don't "sandbag" or hold back valuable information. That is not an element of my character.

I do understand that with any run for public office there will be pro's and con's on candidates. I take the "high" and I will run a very positive, professional campaign because the city and the institute of "politics" deserve that. I welcome positive and the negative comments. Negative comments do not break my spirit, nor do they hamper my goal of running for school board and winning a seat. I am a highly qualified and trained combat officer who has been in the combat zone for one year plus and I know how to stay focused on the mission without disruptions. My focus is to run a very effective, professional campaign and win a seat, be a very productive and dedicated board member whose complete interest is putting students first and raising academic achievement.

I am a very concerned parent who has the experience, qualifications, and more importantly the dedication to make a very good run for the school board. As the campaign progresses, voters will find that I am dedicated to my community, hard-working, and I give up a "whole" lot to make quality of living the very best for my community. I have children who will come up through MUSD and my streak in this is very, very, very high. I will not be going away even if I lose the election.

Hey, if I don't win it wasn't meant to be. But I tell you I am going to give this the very best shot.

Thanks a Bunch!


Clarence R. Shaw

NEW TOPIC; STATE MONEY ~ Another correspondent writes to say: I agree; time to get to reality and realize that the state will not come through with money owed, as is true for all other districts. The governor is clear about that. It ain't going to happen. Also, merit pay and tenure are two items that the governor mentioned in his speech. This, also, will be a very, very, very long time in coming if never. CTA will not agree to it. It is difficult to come up with one set of criteria that is objective that will apply equally to all districts with very diverse student/parent populations. This, too, probably ain't gonna happen. Good idea conceptually, but extremely hard to implement.

FUNDRAISER ~ And yet another: I just read the Feb. 11th entry. I can't believe that we can raise $36,000 for something sports related [the snack bar/restrooms at MHS], but can't muster up a fundraiser or something for the basics. It boggles the mind. We can't change decreasing enrollment (it's a trend throughout California). Perhaps we all need to write letters or postcards to the Gubernator and have him prove how much he values education. Thanks for letting me vent...again!

HOME RULE ~ I saw a letter to the editor of the Star-News from school board member Clare Chesley that explains her "home rule" quote in the last issue. She writes that Assembly member Lynn Daucher has introduced a "Home Rule Bill" that will give local school districts greater flexibility in how they spend their money. She urges parents, taxpayers and educators to contact their representitives to support the bill.

This newsletter is also on the Web at

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