Monday, January 17, 2005

Monrovia School Link ~ Number 103 ~ January 17, 2005

Yikes! From this report on the January 13 board meeting, it appears the board is facing some pretty tough decisions. Tight money from Sacramento and declining enrollment, which means even less money from the state. Does this mean closing a school? Losing teachers? Ouch. Hope it doesn't come to that. Thanks to Rosemary Harrahill for this report, and I think she's right about getting involved. These are crucial matters. If you have kids in the district, you may want to attend the meetings and speak up.

By Rosemary Harrahill

Well, this report is very late, due to a major "Dory" moment of yours truly, but I got a tape of the meeting and will give a Reader's Digest report on the meeting. This meeting made the front page of the Star-News on Jan. 16, so listen up, folks!

First, a closed session: Someone got fired. The board unanimously agreed.

Then, there was a presentation by Dr. Viera, of Citrus College, who spoke about collaboration between Citrus and Monrovia students. Wow, are they helping our students big time! Joanne Montgomery, volunteer extraordinnaire and always a class act, also spoke about Citrus College's many offerings and opportunities for our kids. Citrus students help with tutoring, put in thousands of hours tutoring at nearly all campuses, and now a liason has been appointed to the high school from CC to help the students transition to college level work. It's great! Sam Lee is the liason from CC to MHS. CC is also offering summer classes at MHS -- open to everyone interested! CC is also offering spring assessments in math, reading and English for those interested. Nice! It's clear they want to help our students succeed and have put their money where their mouth is on this one. Impressive!

Recognitions: Classified employees with 15 years. experience each were recognized -- Tito, Yvonne and Gary... They are the backbone of every school and unsung heroes who keep the wheels turning. They deserve this recognition.

Next, several people involved in Pro Active Tutoring, and all the groups working in sync, were recognized for their work and dedication. Even two Citrus students who tutor were there! Monrovia Library, Monrovia Reads, Boys and Girls Club and Village programs, LE Grant and Cal Poly Workstudy all contribute funds and manpower to Monrovia's students. Wow! A full court press! They gave more than 10,000 hours in tutoring. My only question is: What's going on from bell to bell? I mean, that's a lot of tutoring and after 7 hours at school, some kids are just brain fried and need a break before hitting the books again. I know this isn't "the good old days," but I wonder if some "tightening up" or more efficient means of teaching could be employed to better utilize time bell to bell.

Several community members were recognized here, all well deserved...

4.2 Public Hearing: This is where we, Joe and Jane Public, can speak on anything this side of salmon poaching on the Colorado River and no one was there! NOT GOOD! Parents, where are we? We gotta look alive here!! (yes, I mean me, too)

So, the board moved on to board reports:

Betty spoke about the Parent Ed program and how successful it's been. So successful that it's expanded to the elementary schools. Plymouth and Wildrose are set to get the Institute and Betty was asking for public's help with this.

Also, a fundraiser for the schools was announced: a neat book titled "Schools in Our Town", which contains pictures and writings of Monrovia's students, is on sale for $25. Not bad... I'll bet you can purchase them at the district, the library or perhaps the public schools, I wasn't sure. All proceeds will go -- right back into the tutoring programs? Or maybe the general fund? I wasn't sure..

Monina congratulated a Monrovia student on acceptance to Stanford, Ryan Blacksheer.
then, Superintendent Louise Taylor congratulated an MHS senior for getting accepted to West Point -- Daniel Serrano. That is awesome!

Dr. Shawn gave an update on the high school exit exam which is coming up. He announced two meetings for parents: Jan. 27 at 7 p.m. at the high school and Jan 29 at 10 a.m. at the high school. They are calling every junior year parent to inform them of this meeting. It will explain this exam and what's expected. Wow, another full court press. 85% of students taking this exam last year passed on first round; those who didn't are in intervention programs and may take it again twice a year till they pass.

Mr. Zepeda, MHS principal, talked about block scheduling as a way to improve student achievement. Students would do four classes per semester. Downside for kids is -- no more open campus! Yep, there goes McDonald's and Wendy's and In 'N Out ... maybe not Tom's Burgers and the Teriyaki Hut, but definitely for lunch escapes further away. Lunch would be only 30 minutes in block scheduling. Hmmm....

Mr. Carter was concerned about teacher training for 90 minute blocks, which sounds like an excellent idea - that means teacher's have to mix it up a bit to keep it interesting and maximize productivity, hopefully so sooo many kids won't need tutoring!

Linda Dempsey updated the board on redevelopment funds and what they're used for. They must be used for capital projects, which means really big things that our maintenance workers don't handle, like new heating for the gym, upgrading gym windows, etc. The biggest need is to update the pool, as both community and high school kids use it. Sounds like that's first on the list to be fixed.
Clare Chesley was hoping some funds could be used for the snack bar that Mr. Gillilland is working so hard to complete. It got a green light as long as city and school agree to it, as far as I could see.

OK, more business thangs, then: the grand finale -- The Budget Information Report

Here's where things got interesting -- lots of ideas tossed about, lots of brainstorming, and in public! It was great to see everyone pulling together to look for solutions to avoid what Mr. Wong rightly called, "worst case scenario," which is cutting more. He is into revenue generating, and so the ideas began...

In light of Ahhhnold's back pedaling and reneging on promises to the education world of California, everyone's gotta cut even more. Our district must cut between $500,000 and $1 MILLION dollars! Now, keep in mind this is after already shaving off every last piece and then some from last year's school budget! So, the question is: How do we squeeze blood from a turnip? And which turnip is going to have to bleed.. not a pretty picture..

So, Linda Dempsey did a great PowerPoint outlining the problem, the unknowns, the pots we can pick from, the pots we can't, where we stand right now and potential options.

Kudos to Mr. Wong for wanting a thorough check on refunding our 1997 bonds ($15 million to refinance, so to speak) -- he wants us to shop around for the best interest rate to meet our needs over the next few years. He also asked about redevelopment funds -- He noted compensation to employees. Should we cut pay? He noted funds from city. Should we ask for an increase in builder fees?

Clare Chesley asked about transportation fees. Should we charge for bus transportation? Should we look at compensation to all employees? Should we look at charter schools (well-funded right now and having lots of support in Sacramento and from Ahhhnold).
Ms. Chesley asked if a 3 percent cut in pay might have to happen. This would be tough, and have to be brought to the bargaining table, according to Ms. Dempsey. But it looks like every stone will be turned over before a decision is made, as it should be. I can hear the unions groaning already. Our teachers haven't had a raise in three years.

Ms. Chesley asked to put it on the agenda for next meeting to vote on whether a presentation should be asked for from the California Commission on Charter Schools, but it looks like Monina wants some literature first, then talk, then put it on the calendar for the meeting after that, if need be. This is really innovative, as charter schools are funded well and Monrovia is not limited by city boundaries, which means we could draw students from basically any other city for our charter school. More students means more funds. And/or, should we convert one of our schools to a charter school? Really interesting questions!

However, the item that made me really perk up was: Might we have to close a site? Now that's a really big deal! That's the $64,000 question. This is a big wow! Due to declining enrollment, which was well-researched and explained to the board, we just may have to do that. But the painful question -- who goes?

Soooo, the questions began: can we sell a site that's been improved with state funds? Will the state want its money back? At what point do we close a site? And which site? Who's gonna bleed here?

It was a great discussion and one that, honestly, should have us all out at the next board meeting to weigh in with. (Yes, I know I shouldn't end a sentence with a preposition, but I'm rushing)!

I think the board has a list of all our programs, I didn't, but it would be interesting to see what programs we are currently funding. Yet 87 percent of our public monies go to salary, benefits and personnel, so it seems logical to put that on the table as a possible area to cut. Bottom line is: no one wants to lose a teacher, and Mr. Wong was leading the charge in looking for revenue generating options before ever losing a teacher -- good for him!

Well, the board must have a definite budget in place by July, which means between now and then, lots and lots and lots of discussion, debate and a exchange of ideas should occur, and we ALL should be a part of it! Don't forget, any parent may speak at any board meeting about anything that's on their mind. You have at least three minutes to voice your opinion, and I say -- let's get out there and let them know what we're thinking!

Next board meeting is January 26 at 7 pm....See you there!

A LETTER ~ In a recent issue, a letter writer commented that tutors at Clifton Middle School need to be better supervised. Jessica Bauer responded. She is a Cal Poly tutor for the past four years with the AVID program at Clifton Middle School, who last year started the after school-tutoring program, which is open for 6th thru 8th graders in all subjects.

Here is an excerpt of her letter:

"This year we have two additional Citrus College tutors who come in on a regular basis to help me. They are both dependable and the students respect them. But when it comes time for a student to ask questions of the homework they don't understand, the students tend to be shy and say they do not need help when asked. I understand this parent is frustrated, but this parent, along with many others, have no idea what kind of stuff I have been through to keep this FREE after school tutoring program going.

"When after-school tutoring starts and ends, each student is required to sign in and out. If a parent wants proof that their child was there, there is a slip that the tutors fill out and sign. These students have so many resources to take advantage of. There are always three tutors present, students have access to the Internet, and there are books available if they need those. The tutors would be more than happy to discuss any students' situation with their parent. We are always open and available.

"Before this remark was made, we critiqued ourselves and said that upon coming back from Christmas break we needed to be more pro-active and decided to find better ways to approach students, rephrasing our questions, which would possibly be more helpful. In addition, I would like to note that we were never approached; our supervisor had not heard one word and neither had the principal been notified of this parent's concern. It might be better to start with the tutors themselves or our supervisor before alarming others. I just thought it was interesting that this parent would take the time to write a letter but not contact the school or person in charge. In fact, no parent has ever made any effort to contact me or others tutors.

"It has been a struggle because there are always bugs to work out in any new program. I have worked very hard to pull in responsible and dependable tutors and am constantly working on refining this program to make it effective.

"I have poured my heart and soul into this program and am a determined and dedicated tutor. There have been many times where students have moved on to the next grade level because they attended after school tutoring, which in my eyes is rewarding."

Also on the Web at

Hey my name is robert i whent to school there but then something bad happened to me so i dont got to that school any more. is there any way you can speak to MR. Reale teacher in video production. Can you get a copy of Robert S. (me) music video from sixth period and put it on here. the day i left was the day he collected them so i neer got to see how it came out please do this for me !!!!!!!
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