Sunday, August 29, 2004

Monrovia School Link Preview ~ Number 89 ~ August 29, 2004

It looks as if there is very good academic news coming out regarding the high school and good news about the middle schools. Joel Shawn gives a hint about this in the report below. Thanks much to Louise Carnevale for this report. Sorry it's a little late getting out. I was out of town, visiting Oxnard, one of the garden spots of our fair state. Actually, the town is quite nice near the water.

By Louise Carnevale

Board President Betty Sandford told us that at the special sessions before the regular meeting, the board discussed new goals for the coming five years, and this discussion will continue for the next few meetings. The final discussion will be held at an October meeting. Also before the regular meeting, the board ratified the suspension of an aide for 25 days and discussed an expulsion case at Monrovia High School, on which they voted later in the meeting.

Everyone was present except for Bruce Carter, Clerk, who was excused.

We were introduced to the new Pupil Personnel Services person, Donna McCloud, and the board approved the minutes of the last meeting, July 14, 2004.

Public hearings:

Monrovia Arts Festival, October 9 and 10, needs volunteers for its art show - adults starting at about 7 a.m. for 2 to 3 hour shifts. The man who made this announcement never introduced himself, although the board seemed to know him. The money raised by the Monrovia Arts Festival goes to the Monrovia School District.

Board member Clare Chesley thanked the Unity Center for its back-to-school day. (Unity gave out school supplies and uniforms to needy families on Aug. 26 at the Santa Anita Race Track.) The New Teacher Breakfast was great. The high school offers only German 1 and 2, but many students requested a level 3, which the district cannot afford, so the teacher, Marian Campbell, offered to accept a lower wage to teach the level 3 German class, making it possible for the school to offer such a class this year.

Board member Monina Diaz mentioned that the starting date for school this year is before Labor Day. She wondered if the students in the elementary schools will be able to meet their teachers before school starts. Superintendent Louise Taylor said each school has a different policy.

Board member Betty Sandford thanked the Unity Center and mentioned something about the L.A. County office of Education wanting nominations for membership on a committee that has to do with school districts. I'm sorry, but I could not understand what she said.

Superintendent Louise Taylor thanked Debby Collins and Joel Shawn for all their work regarding the new teachers, and mentioned that the Village After School program is once again a finalist for the Golden Bell Award.

Regarding testing, Associate Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Joel Shawn said a notice has been sent to all families, except Plymouth families, as the Plymouth students took their tests later and will receive results later. He said Sept. 8 will be the first report on the testing results. So far it appears that the middle schools did well, and the high school did exceptionally well. He said parents can call his office with any questions regarding the testing.

Debby Collins said there are 36 new teachers.

Regarding the Mayflower after school recreation program, Taylor said the district is not required to provide after-school care. However, she said, "We concede that it is expected as it has been provided for so long." There is some progress, however: Sue Hersh has labored long to find a replacement; Bob Monk of the Boys and Girls Club will provide transportation to the club after school (He will waive some fees and ask for some funds). Cathy Parnell at the "Y" may have a second alternative. Someone (whose name I didn't catch) is getting names and will contact parents. Apparently sending a notice home. Childcare Information Service will pass on more information, especially regarding kindergarten-age kids, because none of the above options will take kids younger than first grade, except the Options Program, which costs a lot!!

Taylor said the district cannot expand the Village program to include Mayflower because Mayflower is up for that grant in 2005, and if we give them the Village program now, then next year, when its Mayflower's turn for support and funding, they may say, "You have been able to afford a program without our help so we will give the grant to a more needy school."

The Star program failed, apparently not enough interest. But the Mayflower PTA is looking into this.

After the board and staff member reports, there were a few items that needed to be approved:

- The board approved resolution no. 05-01, which has to do with taxes and state apportionment. The district gets to keep tax penalty money, which accounts to some $20,000 a year.

- The board approved the revised budget. There were not many changes to the budget, but a small amount of money will come from unrestricted general funds, which we can use on educational material, such as textbooks and materials that go with them. Joel Shawn explained to Clare Chesley that we cannot call band uniforms educational material.

- The board approved a motion to expel a Monrovia High School student for one year, and not allow the student into any Monrovia school for that time. The student was expelled for violating education code 48900.

The Monrovia School Link is also available on line at

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