Sunday, August 22, 2004

Monrovia School Link Preview ~ Number 88 ~ August 22, 2004

It looks like the really interesting stuff at this Wednesday's meeting will be at the study session at 5:30 p.m. The board will discuss the district's mission statement, vision, 5-year goals and the 5-year goal measures. (I've included this stuff below.) I especially like the measures. They give the public something to compare the board against in coming elections. If the board members are able to show progress on the goals, maybe they should be reelected, if not, maybe they should take up croquet instead and let someone else try. Anyway, I commend the board for putting down on paper some fairly clear goals, such as: all Monrovia schools will have API scores over 800 and all will be California Distinguished Schools.

The board will meet this Wednesday, August 25 at 5:30 p.m. for a study session in the board room, then at 6:25 p.m. for a closed session, and finally at 7 p.m. for the regular board meeting.

At the 5:30 study session, the board will discuss next steps in the development of district vision and mission statements and 5-year strategic goals. (See them below.)

Then, at 6:25, they board members will go hide out in the superintendent's office to talk about whether to fire someone and whether to expel someone. You're not invited to this part of the meeting.

At 7 p.m. the board will start the regular meeting. At the regular meeting there'll be reports on:
- testing, by Joel Shawn,
- new teacher/opening of school activities, and
- an update on a parental request regarding an after-school program at Mayflower.


Item 7.13 - The board will vote whether to "Approve a Resolution Approving Assignment of Delinquent Tax Receivables to the California Statewide Delinquent Tax Finance Authority and Authorizing Execution and Delivery of Related Documents and Actions." Whew! I'm sure that'll cause people's eyes to roll up into their heads. Hey! Why do all the big words in that item start with capital letters?

Item 7.14 - The board will vote on whether to approve a revised budget.

Items 8.6 and 8.7, as best I can figure out, are something about changes to the contracts for district employees.



The Monrovia Unified School District is committed to devoting its energy, resources, and support to provide:

* a safe, orderly, positive, powerful learning environment, and

* educational programs which foster the maximum development of each student’s:
- desire to learn
- academic potential
- vocational interests and talents
- social, civic, and cultural understanding, and,
- sense of self-worth,

by working actively and cooperatively as students, staff, parents, and community.


1. Distinguished Schools
2. Instructional Excellence
3. Graduates of Distinction


1. All Monrovia Schools will be designated California and Monrovia Distinguished Schools, with API (Academic Performance Index) scores of 800 or higher

2. All Monrovia teachers will utilize specified research-supported instructional strategies

3. All Monrovia Schools will provide programs to guide students to become high school graduates who:
- Aim toward college and a meaningful career
- Complete course requirements for UC/CSU
- Participate in leadership, the arts, and/or extracurricular activities
- Demonstrate responsibility through attendance, behavior, academic performance, and civic involvement /service


1. All Monrovia Schools will be designated California and Monrovia Distinguished Schools, with API scores of 800 or higher
- All schools will be designated California Distinguished Schools
- All schools will be designated Monrovia Distinguished Schools, based upon local criteria and measures (to be developed)
- All school API scores will exceed state targets annually, and reach or exceed 800

2. All Monrovia teachers will utilize specified research-supported instructional strategies
- All teachers will demonstrate use of specified instructional strategies according to established criteria and based upon classroom observations
- Examples of specified instructional achievement-enhancing strategies include: tiered vocabulary instruction; Everybody Plays/Cooperative Learning for student engagement, monitoring progress, and adjusting instruction; classroom procedures (Harry Wong); and standards-based instruction.

3. All Monrovia Schools will provide programs to guide students to become high school graduates who aim toward college and a meaningful career; complete course requirements for UC/CSU; participate in leadership, the arts, and/or extracurricular activities; and demonstrate responsibility through attendance, behavior, academic performance, and civic involvement /service
- All schools provide services and programs to produce graduates of distinction including:
* Personalized counseling and guidance, and instructionally-imbedded encouragement to be college-bound, assume challenging coursework, and prepare for a meaningful career
* Opportunity to participate and gain skills in leadership, the arts, and extracurricular activities
* Guidance and acknowledgment of success in demonstrating exemplary responsibility in attendance, behavior, academic performance, and civic involvement /service
- High school records show that the graduates, according to specified criteria:
* Plan to attend college or further training or preparation for a meaningful career
* Completed course requirements for UC/CSU
* Participated in leadership, the arts, and/or extracurricular activities
* Demonstrated responsibility through attendance, behavior, academic performance, and civic involvement /service

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