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September, 1915

1. Ambassador von Bernstorff assures Secretary of State Lansing that German submarines will not thereafter sink either belligerent or neutral passenger ships without warning.

1-2. Russians abandon the great fortress of Grodno and the entire Niemen-Bug line, leaving the Teutonic armies in full possession of Poland and its immense fortresses.

6. Czar Nicholas assumes command of the Russian armies, supplanting the Grand Duke Nicholas.

7. Austro-Germans capture Dubno.

8. Russian armies, striking back, defeat Austro-Germans at Tarnopol and Tremblowa.

18. Germans take Vilna.

23. Bulgaria orders general mobilization and concentrates troops on Serbian border.

Italians capture heights of Monte Coston.

24. Anglo-French begin the Battle of Loos.

25. Loos village and Hill 70 captured by the English after a terrific struggle. By counterattacks the Germans recover most of Hill 70.

French take Souchez cemetery but lose it in German counter-attack. In Champagne the French

penetrate German lines on a 15-mile front.

Greece decrees general mobilization.

28. The French attack Vimy Ridge securing the western slopes and most of Givenchy Wood, ending the disastrous Battle of Loos. The failure of the Allies was due to lack of sufficient British reserves and an unfortunate delay in beginning the French advance. The British alone lost 50,000 men.

29. The British force the Turks to evacuate Kut-el-Amara and to retreat on Bagdad.

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
– Jesus, Matthew 11:29