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August, 1915

1. Austria-Hungary protests to the United States against shipments of war supplies to the Entente Allies, asserting that such trade is a violtion of neutrality.

4. Immense Russian fortress of Ivangorod captured by the Germans.

5. Germans capture Warsaw.

6. Allied reinforcements landed at Suvla Bay, fail to effect the capture of Gallipoli.

9. Austro-Germans break through Russian line between Ostrolenka and Vilna.

10. Austro-Germans capture important Russian fortress of Lomza but are unable to disrupt the main Russian line.

11. Russians evacuate Van, Armenia.

12. President Wilson, answering the Austro-Hungarian protest concerning trade in war supplies, reiterates his earlier statements to Germany (See April 4), and says that to prohibit such trade would make every nation an armed camp and greatly encourage militarism.

15. Germans pierce the Russian line between the Narew and the Bug.

Austrian aeroplanes bombard Venice.

17. Victorious German armies capture Kovno and break the strong Russian line on the Niemen, thereby compelling the abandonment of Brest-Litovsk and the further withdrawal of the Russians.

19. Russian fortress of Novo Georgievsk falls under fire of German heavy caliber guns.

The British liner "Arabic" is sunk by a German submarine; two American citizens drowned.

21. Failing to drive the Turks from their lines at Gallipoli, the British resort to trench work.

Italy declares war against Turkey.

23. Austro-Germans capture Kovel, compelling the Russians to evacuate important positions.

25. Austro-Germans occupy Brest-Litovsk.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
Hebrews 12:1