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February, 1915

1-4. General von Mackensen, with 140,000 men, desperately attacks Russians on a 7-mile front at Bolimov, 40 miles west of Warsaw.

4. Germany proclaims the waters around the British Isles a "war zone" after Feb. 18th, declaring her intention to sink every enemy merchant ship found in the zone.

5-8. Russian reinforcements from Warsaw overwhelm the German advance and force Von Mackensen's whole army back to the Rawka.

7. Von Hindenburg, after concentrating 9 army corps against 4 Russian army corps in East Prussia, drives the invaders from German soil.

8. Russian warships attack Trebizond.

9. The French capture the heights of Les Eparges but fail to expel the Germans from St. Mihiel salient.

10. The United States government warns Germany that the German government will be held to a "strict accountability" if through its proposed policy of submarine warfare any American merchant ships are destroyed or citizens of the United States lose their lives.

12. German forces occupy Mariampol, Russia.

18. Austrians recapture Czernowitz.

20. In freeing East Prussia the Germans claim the capture of 75,000 prisoners and 300 guns.

24. Germans under Von Hindenburg capture Przasnysz and advance on Ostrolenka.

25. Allied fleet completes the reduction of the forts at entrance to the Dardanelles.

26. German advance against Russians checked near Przemysl.

27. Russian counter-stroke recovers Przasnysz, with 10,000 German prisoners, and forces Von Hindenburg to retreat to the Prussian frontier.

“Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
Psalms 37:4