6. Russians capture Kimpolung in southern Bukowina, near the Rumanian frontier.
14. British forces occupy Swakopmund, German Southwest Africa.
17. Russians capture Kirlibaba pass in the Carpathians.
24. Important naval battle off Dogger Bank, between German battle-cruiser squadron raiding coast of England and British squadron under Admiral Beatty, results in sinking of German battlecruiser "Blucher" and the flight of the remaining German ships to protected waters.
29. German airships bombard Yarmouth, King's Lynn, and other towns in Norfolk, England.
30. Russians occupy Tabriz, Persia.
“We must not be proud of our bodies, because the matter is from the earth, yet not dishonour our bodies, because the mould and shape are from the divine wisdom.”
–Matthew Henry, Commentary, Job 10