Abbreviation Key
This key corresponds to the code found at the end of each story in this book. From the left: the book abbreviation, name of the book, and last name of the translator or editor.
ACL - Anthology of Chinese Literature, Birch.
AMB - All Men Are Brothers, Buck.
FLWSB - Four Late Warring States Biographies, Kierman.
RGHC - Records of the Grand Historian of China, Watson.
RH - Records of the Historian: Chapters from the Shih Chi of Ssu-ma Ch'ien, Watson. (A supplementary volume to the preceding work.)
RTK - Romance of the Three Kingdoms - Brewitt-Taylor
TCL - A Treasury of Chinese Literature, Chai.
Birch, Cyril. Anthology of Chinese Literature. New York, 1965. Grove Press, Inc.
Brewit-Taylor. Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Rutland, Vt. 1959. Charles E. Tuttle, Co.
Buck, Pearl S. All Men Are Brothers. New York. 1933, 1937. Grove City, Inc.
Chai, Ch'u and Chai, Winberg. A Treasury of Chinese Literature. New York, 1965. Appleton-Century.
Griffith, Samuel B. The Art of War. New York.1963. Oxford University Press.
Kierman, Jr., Frank A. Four Late Warring States Biographies. Wiesbaden (West Germany), 1962. Otto Harrassowitz.
Rafe, Richard and de Crespigny, Champion. The Last of the Han. Canberra (Australia), 1969. Australian National University Centre of Oriental Studies.
Watson, Burton. Records of the Grand Historian of China. New York, 1961. Columbia University Press.
Watson, Burton. Records of the Historian: Chapters from the Shih Chi of Ssu-ma Ch'ien. New York, 1969. Columbia University Press
© Copyright 2003, Brad Haugaard.
“Hope in this life is a perishing thing, but the hope of good men, when it is cut off from this world, is but removed like a tree, transplanted from this nursery to the garden of the Lord.”
–Matthew Henry, Commentary, Job 19