My computer slows down when I use CountDuplicates on a really large list.
CountDuplicates uses the power of YOUR computer to process the list, and if you give your computer an intensive task - any task, not just counting repeated lines in a huge list - it may slow down or even crash. For very large lists you may notice a delay in pasting the list into the text field, or for extremely long lists, your browser may not be able to accept the load. As is true with all programs, it is wise to save any important data in any open program before using CountDuplicates.
Is my data secure on CountDuplicates?
There is nothing to secure. This is because the information you paste into the text field never goes anywhere. It is all processed on your computer and by your computer. We never see any of it. We never send any of it anywhere. We're not even interested. Honest.
Doing anything else interesting on the Net?
Well, I'm doing this old encyclopedia thing and a memory tool.
Who owns CountDuplicates and how do I contact you?
CountDuplicates is owned by Brad Haugaard. If you didn't find your question answered here or want to report a bug or suggest an enhancement, you can contact me at brad AT bradhaugaard DOT com, but CountDuplicates is a very part-time project, so I'm not sure I'll be able to fix bugs very quickly. Thanks for your patience.