Jan. 18. The International Peace Conference, composed of delegates from the nations associated in the war against the Central Powers, formally opens at Versailles. The first sessions were held in the palace where, in 1871, during the siege of Paris, William VII of Prussia was proclaimed emperor of Germany.
The five members of the American delegation were President Wilson, Secretary of State Robert Lansing, General Tasker H. Bliss, Colonel Edward M. House, and former Ambassador Henry White.
Prominent delegates from other nations were Premier Clemenceau of France, Premier Lloyd George and Foreign Secretary Balfour of England, Premier Orlando and former premiers Sonnino and Salandra of Italy, Premier Venizelos of Greece, Premier Borden of Canada, and Premier Hughes of Australia.
Upon motion of President Wilson, seconded by Premier Lloyd George, Premier Clemenceau was chosen chief presiding officer.
Jan. 19. Parliamentary elections in Germany.
Feb. 7. Jugoslavia recognized by the United States.
Feb. 11. German Parliament adopts provisional constitution. Friedrich Ebert chosen president.
Feb. 14. President Wilson submits draft of League of Nations to Peace Conference.
Feb. 21. Supreme Council of Allies decides to recognize Polish government under Paderewski.
Mar. 13. President Wilson returns to Peace Conference after trip to United States.
Mar. 21. Italian delegation notifies Peace Conference that it will withdraw unless Fiume is assigned to Italy.
Apr. 22. Italian delegates withdraw from Peace Conference, as a protest against rejection of their demand for Fiume.
Apr. 23. President Wilson issues statement regarding Fiume, denying Italian demand.
May 6. Chinese Cabinet instructs delegates not to sign Peace Treaty awarding German rights in Shantung to Japan.
May 7. Peace Treaty delivered to German Delegation at Versailles. Italian delegates rejoin Peace Conference.
June 28. Peace Treaty with Germany signed at Versailles.
July 10. German National Assembly ratifies Peace Treaty.
July 20. Complete Peace Treaty delivered to Austrian Delegation at St. Germain.
July 31. Peace Treaty ratified by British Parliament.
Aug. 4. Rumanian forces, invading Hungary in violation of armistice terms, occupy Budapest.
Aug. 24. Kiev captured from Bolsheviki by the Ukranians.
Sept. 10. Peace Treaty with Austria signed at St. Germain.
Sept. 12. D'Annunzio, with a force of volunteer Italian soldiers, occupies Fiume in defiance of the Italian government and the decisions of the Peace Conference.
Oct. 7. Italy ratifies Peace Treaty.
Oct. 13. France ratifies Peace Treaty.
Oct. 30. Japan ratifies Peace Treaty.
Nov. 8. Czecho-Slovak National Assembly ratifies peace treaties with Germany and Austria.
Nov. 19. Peace Treaty refused ratification by the United States Senate.
Nov. 27. Peace Treaty with Bulgaria signed.
Dec. 5. Jugoslavia signs treaties with Austria and Bulgaria.
“Let us strengthen and cheer ourselves with the persuasion that nothing can befall us by chance, that all our times are in his hand, and that we are immortal till our work is done.”
–Works of Rev. William Jay, Evening, Sept. 12