2. Soissons retaken by the French.
3. The Allies advance on a 30-mile front to the Aisne and the Vesle, regain 50 villages, and complete the capture of the Marne salient.
4. American troops capture Fismes.
5. Foch made marshal of France.
7. American troops cross the Vesle.
8-12. The British win the important battle of Amiens. Sixteen Canadian, Australian, and other British divisions, assisted by tanks and motor machine guns, heavily defeat twenty German divisions, forcing them back 12 miles, freeing the Paris-Amiens railway, and taking about 22,000 prisoners and over 400 guns. This victory added to the French-American success in the Marne salient greatly stimulates the confidence of the Allies.
8. The French, under General Debeney, attacking in cooperation with the British in the Amiens sector capture Pierrepont, Plessier, and Fresnoy.
10. The French take Montdidier and advance to Chaulnes. Americans capture Chipilly and Fismette.
13. Estimates place the captures made by the allied armies in France since July 18 at 70,000 prisoners, 1000 guns, and 10,000 machine guns.
15. The Canadians capture Damery and Parvillers, near Roye.
17. American Fifth Division captures Frapelle.
19. The French reach Lassigny.
20. General Foch begins successful attack on a 15-mile front between the Aisne and the Oise; 8000 prisoners captured.
Czecho-Slovak forces in western Siberia capture Shadrinsk.
21-31. The British under General Byng win the hard-fought battle of Bapaume, overwhelming the Germans on a 33-mile front from Lihons to Mercatel. In this decisive action 23 British divisions, assisted by tanks, drove 35 picked German divisions entirely across the old Somme battle field, inflicting terrible losses, taking Bapaume and many other important positions, and capturing 34,000 prisoners and 270 field guns.
22. The British under Byng recapture Albert.
25. The British advance 10 miles on a 30-mile front, capture La Boisselle, Sapignies, and St. Leger, and take 17,000 prisoners.
26. Canadian troops attack on the Scarpe and recapture the stronghold of Monchy-le-Preux.
27. French troops capture Roye.
28. The French take Chaulnes and Nesle and 40 villages, reaching the Canal du Nord.
30. General Pershing's army takes over the allied line from Port sur Seille, east of the Moselle, west through St. Mihiel to Verdun.
31. The British capture Kemmel Hill.
The French cross the Canal du Nord.
The Australians storm Mt. St. Quentin.
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
– Romans 15:13