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March, 1918

3. By treaty of peace with the four Central Powers, signed at Brest-Litovsk, the Bolshevik government pledges to evacuate Ukraine, Esthonia, Livonia, Finland, Erivan, Kars, Batum, and the Aland islands, also to pay a large indemnity.

9. Russian capital removed from Petrograd to Moscow.

13. German troops occupy Odessa.

18. Great Britain and the United States take over Dutch shipping in British and American ports.

21. Germans begin tremendous offensive on a 50-mile front from Arras to La Fere.

23. The Germans break the British front in the Cambrai-St. Quentin-La Fere sector, practically destroying General Gough's army and taking Pronne and Ham. Berlin claims capture of 25,000 prisoners and 400 field guns. Paris bombarded by long range guns placed at a distance of 75 miles.

24. The Germans continue to force back the British on the Somme front, capturing Bapaume, Nesle, Guiscard, and Chauny.

25. The Germans capture Barleux and Etalon. The French take over a portion of British front south of St. Quentin and around Noyon. Allies lose 45,000 men and 600 guns.

27. Lloyd George appeals to America for reinforcements.

28. General Pershing places all American forces in France at the disposal of General Foch.

29. General Foch chosen commander-in-chief of all allied forces.

The German long-range gun kills 75 worshipers at Good Friday service in a church in Paris.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11