1. Submarine warfare during February resulted in the sinking of 134 entente vessels and 54 neutral vessels, total tonnage, 465,770.
11. The British under General Maude capture Bagdad.
12. The American steamship "Algonquin" sunk by a German submarine.
l5. Revolution in Russia compels abdication of Czar Nicholas II.
17. Allied forces in France advance on a front of 45 miles. The British capture Bapaume, and the French take Roye and Lassigny.
17-19. Germans in France retire to Hindenburg line, evacuating 1300 square miles of territory on a front of 100 miles, from Arras to Soissons.
21. The American steamer "Healdton" torpedoed by German submarine, with loss of 21 lives.
22. German raider "Moewe" returns from a second cruise in the Atlantic during which 27 vessels are said to have been sunk.
24. The British announce retaking of 54 towns and 600 square miles of territory in districts evacuated by the Germans in their strategic retreat to the Cambrai-St. Quentin-Laon line.
26. The "St. Louis," first American armed ship defying German submarine blockade, arrives in a British port.
29. The British in Palestine defeat the Turks near Gaza.
“We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”
– Isaiah 53:6