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December, 1916

1. The The Allies land marines in Greece, seizing Piraeus and Athens. King Constantine agrees to the demands of the Allies.

6. Bucharest captured by the Austro-Germans.

10. Lloyd George, made British prime minister following the resignation of Asquith, announces new war cabinet.

12. General Nivelle appointed commander-in-chief of the French armies.

15. The French, attacking northeast of Verdun, penetrate the German lines, capturing important works, 11,000 prisoners, and 115 cannon.

18. President Wilson asks the belligerent nations to state their war aims.

26. Germany, replying to President Wilson's note, ignores his request for definite statement of peace terms and suggests a peace conference.

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
Psalm 23:4