The Fall of Maximilian


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Looking around, the Emperor noticed, not far from him, a group of men and women who sobbed aloud. He looked at them with a mild and friendly smile, then he laid both his hands on his breast and looked forward. Five shots were fired, and the Emperor fell on his right side, whispering slowly the word, "Hombre!" ("0 Man!"). All the bullets had pierced his body, and each of them was deadly; but the Emperor still moved slightly. The officer laid him on his back, and pointed with the point of his sword on the Emperor's heart. A soldier then stepped forward, and sent another bullet into the spot indicated.

Neither the Emperor nor Miramon nor Mejia had his eyes bandaged. Miramon, not addressing the soldiers, but the citizens assembled, said: "Mexicans: my judges have condemned me to death as a traitor to my country. I never was a traitor, and request you not to suffer this stain to be affixed to my memory, and still less to my children. Viva Mexico! Viva the Emperor!" When the shots hit him he died instantly.

Mejia only said, "Viva Mexico! Viva the Emperor!" He lived after the firing, and two more bullets were necessary to despatch him. All the three condemned were shot at the same moment.

“Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”
John 1:12