During the 3d Gregg covered the Federal right. July 3d the Third Cavalry division, being ordered to the Federal extreme left, proceeded thither to threaten Longstreet's flank and, if possible, to reach his ammunition-trains. With the brigades of Farnsworth and Merritt, Kilpatrick struck the Confederate right at 2 P.M., so spiritedly as to render it necessary for the divisions of Hood to change front and face south, to meet the attack. Their line was flanked by two stone fences, some distance beyond which the ammunition-trains were supposed to be parked. To reach these Farnsworth's brigade (First Vermont, First Virginia, and Eighteenth Pennsylvania) was put to the charge, led by Farnsworth in person. The fences were scaled amid a deadly fire, and the daring Vermonters pressed on against odds which proved to be Hood's division, in line of battle. Farnsworth fell in passing the second stone wall, and his men, scattering, retired as best they could from a field where they were powerless. The brigade of Merritt, falling upon Longstreet's rear, kept the enemy well employed in that direction - a diversion which saved Farnsworth's men from greater loss.
Thus closed the mighty struggle at Gettysburg. On the 4th the combatants respectively awaited attack - Lee regarding it, apparently, as a military matter-of-course. Having decided to retreat, he dared not initiate it until another day should determine the fate in store for him. To meet Meade's expected assault the divisions were concentrated upon and fortified Seminary Ridge, so as to hold open the avenue of escape toward Hagerstown. All day long (of the 4th) the trains were being despatched, but there was no movement of the columns until the anxious day was past, and then, Meade having offered neither battle nor obstruction to the retirement, the Confederate divisions began to disappear, under the friendly cover of storm and darkness, along the road leading direct to Hagerstown, but it was not until daylight of the 5th that the rear-guard turned its face toward the Potomac.
Meade's operations on the 4th and 5th were confined chiefly to reconnoissances to determine Lee's purposes. Gregg, from the right, moved off toward Chambersburg, during the night of the 4th, and reported, on the morning of the 5th, that the enemy were in full retreat. He kept well up to their rear, making large captures of stragglers and abandoned materiel. The houses along the route were found to be hospitals - large numbers of the Confederate slightly as well as their badly wounded having been left to lighten their trains. Kilpatrick, on the 4th, was put out on the left, to move to the South Mountain, at Monterey Gap, through which to debouch on the Gettysburg and Hagerstown pike. Reaching the gap at dark (the 4th), the pass was found in possession of a small squad of the enemy, but a spirited charge, in the rain and gloom, cleared the way, and Kilpatrick precipitated his squadrons on the rear of Ewell's train. Extensive captures were made of men and property. The Eighteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, barricading the road, held it against all comers, and numerous seizures of rear-guards and lagging officers were made - most of whom rode right into the Federal hands. Corralling his captures at the Monterey House, Kilpatrick, before daylight, had them en route down the mountain for Waterloo, but, in the excessive darkness and rain, many of the prisoners escaped. A conflagration of immovable wagons and stores was made on the pike. This reconnoissance having definitely determined the fact of Lee's flight, and located the route of his retreat, the victory was declared complete, and the Army of the Potomac began the pursuit early on the 5th.
Meade's summary of his losses and captures during this great three-days' conflict was as follows: "Our own losses were very severe, amounting to 2834 killed, 13,709 wounded, and 6643 missing - in all 23,186. The result of the campaign may be briefly stated in the defeat of the enemy at Gettysburg, their compulsory evacuation of Pennsylvania and Maryland, and withdrawal from the upper valley of the Shenandoah; and the capture of 3 guns, 41 standards, 13,621 prisoners, while 24,978 small arms were collected on the field."
Lee's casualties, as in other great battles, never were reported.
“If we would hold the true course in love, our first step must be to turn our eyes not to man, the sight of whom might oftener produce hatred than love, but to God, who requires that the love which we bear to him be diffused among all mankind, so that our fundamental principle must ever be, Let a man be what he may, he is still to be loved because God is loved.”
–Calvin, Institutes