The Purchase of Alaska


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Few treaties have been conceived, initiated, prosecuted, and completed in so simple a manner without protocols or despatches. The whole negotiation will be seen in its result, unless we except two brief notes, which constitute all that passed between the negotiators. These have an interest general and special, and I conclude the history of this transaction by reading them:

"WASHINGTON, March 23, 1867.

SIR: With reference to the proposed convention between our respective Governments for a cession by Russia of her American territory to the United States, I have the honor to acquaint you that I must insist upon that clause in the sixth article of the draft which declares the cession to be free and unencumbered by any reservations, privileges, franchises, grants, or possessions by any associated companies, whether corporate or incorporate, Russian or any other, etc., and must regard it as an ultimatum. With the President's approval, however, I will add two hundred thousand dollars to the consideration-money on that account.

"I avail myself of this occasion to offer to you a renewed assurance of my most distinguished consideration.

"Mr. EDWARD DE STOECKL, etc., etc., etc."

"WASHINGTON, March 17/29, 1867

MR. SECRETARY OF STATE: I have the honor to inform you that by a telegram dated 16/28th of this month from St. Petersburg, Prince Gortschakoff informs me that his majesty the Emperor of All the Russias gives his consent to the cession of the Russian possessions on the American continent to the United States for the stipulated sum of seven million two hundred thousand dollars in gold, and that his majesty the Emperor invests me with full powers to negotiate and sign the treaty.

"Please accept, Mr. Secretary of State, the assurance of my very high consideration.


"To Honorable WILLIAM H. SEWARD,
"Secretary of State of the United States."

The treaty begins with the declaration that "the United States of America and his majesty the Emperor of All the Russias, being desirous of strengthening, if possible, the good undestanding which exists between them," have appointed plenipotentiaries, who have proceeded to sign articles wherein it is stipulated in behalf of Russia that "his majesty the Emperor of All the Russias agrees to cede to the United States by this convention, immediately upon the exchange of the ratifications thereof, all the territory and dominion now possessed by his said majesty on the continent of America and in the adjacent islands, the same being contained within the geographical limits herein set forth"; and it is stipulated in behalf of the United States that "in consideration of the cession aforesaid the United States agree to pay, at the Treasury in Washington, within ten months after the ratification of this convention, to the diplomatic representative or other agent of his majesty the Emperor of All the Russias duly authorized to receive the same, seven million two hundred thousand dollars in gold." The ratifications are to be exchanged within three months from the date of the treaty, or sooner, if possible.

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“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.”
1 Corinthians 16:13