The Purchase of Alaska


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John Adams, in the preface to his Defence of the American Constitution, written in London, where he resided as Minister, and dated January 11, 1787, at Grosvenor Square, the central seat of aristocratic fashion, after exposing the fabulous origin of the kingly power in contrast with the simple origin of our republican constitutions, thus for a moment lifts the curtain of the future: "Thirteen governments, thus founded on the natural authority of the people alone, and without any pretence of miracle or mystery, and which are destined to spread over the northern part of that whole quarter of the globe, is a great point gained in favor of the rights of mankind." Thus, according to this prophetic Minister, even at that early day was the destiny of the republic manifest. It was to spread over the northern part of the American quarter of the globe; and it was to be a support to the rights of mankind.

By the text of our Constitution, the United States are bound to guarantee a republican form of government to every State in this Union; but this obligation, which is only applicable at home, is an unquestionable indication of the national aspiration everywhere. The republic is something more than a local policy; it is a general principle, not to be forgotten at any time, especially when the opportunity is presented of bringing an immense region within its influence. Elsewhere it has for the present failed; but on this account our example is more important.

The present treaty is a visible step in the occupation of the whole North American continent. As such it will be recognized by the world and accepted by the American people. But the treaty involves something more. By it we dismiss one more monarch from this continent. One by one they have retired; first France, then Spain, then France again; and now Russia - all giving way to that absorbing unity which is declared in the national motto: E pluribus unum.

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“Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.”
Psalm 55:22