York (Latin Eboracum), the capital of Yorkshire, stands on the confluence of the Foss and the Ouse, 22 miles N.E. of Leeds. originally the chief town of the Keltic Brigantes, it became the centre of Roman power in the North, and was the residence of Hadrian, Severus, Constantine, and other emperors. Under the Saxons it served as the capital first of Northumbria and then of Deira. The walls, originally Roman, but restored by Edward I., still exist. The noble minster was founded on the site of a previous Saxon Cathedral in 1171 and was finished in 1472. Next in interest comes the mitred abbey of St. Mary, whilst All Saints, St. Denis, and St. Margaret's are buildings of great antiquity. Of the old castle nothing is left but the keep -- Clifford's Tower. The Guildhall dates from the 15th century. York possesses cavalry barracks, and is the headquarters of the Northern District. It is an important railway centre and the markets are well supplied.