Valencia (Valentia Edetanorum), a province and its capital in Spain. The former, originally a separate kingdom, has an area of 4,352 square miles, being bounded E. By the Mediterranean, N. by Castellon, S. by Alicante, and W. by New Castile and Albacete. Mountainous to the N.W., it is remarkably fertile in the lower portions, and is famous for its oranges, almonds, olives, grapes, and figs. Sheep and cattle thrive, and the silk-warm is reared in great quantities. Salt, marble, and potter's clay constitute the chief mineral resources. The Guadalaviar and the Jucar are the largest rivers. The city stands within walls on the Guadalaviar, 2 miles from the sea, and has a fair port at La Grao, and an inner harbour. It is the seat of an archbishopric, and possesses a large Gothic cathedral founded in 1262, two palaces, and an ancient university. Silk, linen, and wool are woven into various fabrics, and the pottery made here is used throughout Spain.