Tytler, a family of Scotch historians. (1) WILLIAM TYTLER, of Woodhouselee (1711-92), published in 1759 an attempted vindication of Mary Stuart, and edited in 1783 The Poetical Remains of James I. of Scotland. (2) ALEXANDER FRASER, his eldest son (1747-1813), practised at the Scottish bar, and in 1802 became Lord Woodhouselee and a judge of the Court of Session. In 1780 he was made professor of history at Edinburgh, and in 1801 published the popular Elements of General History. He also wrote a life of Lord Kames. (3) PATRICK FRASER TYTLER (1791-1849), fourth son of Lord Woodhouselee, followed his father's profession. Besides several biographical works, he wrote a good History of Scotland in nine volumes, and The Progress of Discovery on the Northern Coasts of America, in recognition of which he received in I844 a Civil List pension.