Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Tupi, the north-eastern division of the Guarani family, who, under a multiplicity of names, formerly occupied a great part of the maritime and Amazonian provinces of Brazil. The chief branches are the Tupi proper of Bahia; the Tapuyos on both sides of the Amazons; the Tupinambas and Tupinambaranas in the Rio Real basin; the Tammimivis and Tamoiaes of Rio de Janeiro; the Tupininquins of Espirito Santo; the Tapiguaes between Pernambuco and San Vicente; the Tappes of Rio Grande do Sul; the Cahetes of the Lower San Francisco; and the Petiguares of the Parahyba basin. The Portuguese generally extend the term Tupi to all the natives of Tupi-Guarani speech. [GUARANI.]