Trinity House
Trinity House, on Tower Hill, is the home of a corporation, formerly located at Deptford, originated in a society a partly religious nature, and founded by seamen for their mutual advantage. Henry VIII, granted them a charter in 1514, and similar institutions existed at Hull, Leith, Newcastle, and Dundee. Among the duties of these bodies were the attending to lighting, buoying, and privileges. The Houses at Newcastle and Leith still regulate local pilotage, and that of Hull attends to the pilots, lights, and buoys of the Humber. The London House superintends the lighting and buoying of England and Wales, and has supervision over the others. In 1836 the Trinity House acquired by purchase all private rights in lighthouses. Among the duties of the house are the licensing of pilots, the removal of wrecks, and the administration of certain marine charities. The corporation consists of a master, a deputy-master, thirteen elder brethren, eleven honorary elder brethren (who, with the master, are generally men of high social rank, e.g. the Prince of Wales, Mr. Gladstone, etc.), and an unlimited number of younger brethren. The deputy-master and elder brethren must have been for four years previous to their election naval commanders or masters who have been for four years upon foreign voyages, and the younger brethren must have belonged to the navy or the merchant service. Committees and sub-committees are appointed for particular purposes, and three members of the House, who must be ex-officers of the mercantile marine, sit as assessors to advise the Court of Admiralty upon nautical points.