Trevelyan, SIR GEORGE OTTO, son of Sir Charles Trevelyan, Governor of Madras and Indian finance minister, by a sister of Lord Macaulay, was born in 1838. He was second classic at Cambridge in 1861, and four years later entered Parliament as a Liberal. From 1868 to 1870 he was a Lord of the Admiralty, in 1880-82 Secretary to the Admiralty, in 1882-84 Chief Secretary for Ireland, and in the latter year entered the Cabinet as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. For a few months in 1886 he was Secretary for Scotland, a position which he again occupied from 1892 to 1895 in the last Gladstone Ministry. Besides some brilliant squibs and light pieces, he is author of Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay (1876), The Early History of Charles James Fox (1880), and The American Revolution (1899).