Tokio, or TOKYO (formerly YEDO), the capital of Japan, is sitnated on the S.E. coast of the island of Niphon or Hondo, at the head of the bay of the same name. The town occupies a broad, fertile plain, watered by the river Sumida, but some of the districts (ku) are hilly, rising to a height of 100 feet above the general level. It is gradually-extending towards the sea, taking in the delta of the river, which is constantly increasing in size. The lower quarters are traversed by a network of canals, crossed by numerous bridges, which form a characteristic feature, On either side of this district are the large and beautiful parks of Shiba and Uyeno. The latter park and the Mukojima, an embankment extending for five miles along the river, are famous for their cherry-trees, which in spring-time render them favourite promenades. The imperial palace is an imposing building in Japanese style, surrounded by lofty walls and broad moats. Many of the old residences of the daimyos (territorial lords) may still be seen standing in the midst of their large artificial gardens, but others have been replaced by Government offices or new streets of brick houses. Yokohama, the port of Tokio, is connected with the city by a railway, 18 miles in length, and there is another line running in a northerly direction.