Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Tieck, LUDWIG (1773-1853), German poet and novelist, born at Berlin, studied at Halle Gottingen, and Erlangen. His literary activity began early, chiefly resulting in romantic and mystical works. Perhaps his two first notable works are the Volksmarchen (3 vols., 1797) and the Romantische Dichtungen (1799-1800). The stories first mentioned were afterwards revised and republished m 1812-15, and are considered Tieck's best original work. His translations of Don Quixote (1799-1801) and of Shakespeare's plays give him high rank as a translator. Some of his novels and poems are very good, but he is not much read nowadays. His works on the old English drama, Altenglische Theater (1811), and on Shakespeare (1823-29) are valuable.