Tibullus, ALBIUS, Latin elegiac poet, was born at Pedum just previous to the great Augustan age, and was therefore a contemporary of Virgil and Horace. He inherited much property, but most ofm~ it was confiscated after Caesar's death, and he was left with somewhat scanty means. His friendship with Marcus Valerius Messala Corvinus, the Roman general, stood him in good stead, however, and he accompanied that soldier in several of his expeditions, afterwards settling down in his villa at Pedum and devoting himself to literature. Very little is known of his life, which was clearly uneventful, but his personal character and writings are highly praised by ancient writers. The date of his death is not exactly known. His Elegies are his enduring monument. Theey are graceful, tender, and natural, and have made him one of the most favourite of Roman writers. The finest edition of them is that printed in Venice in 1472 with the poems of Propertius and Catullus.