Thrush, a book-name for birds of the Passerine family Turdidae, and its type-genus. Turdus, with numerous species, very widely distributed. Some naturalists restrict the genus to those forms in which the plumage is spotted on the breast in both sexes; in the young these markings extend to the back, but are lost after the first moult. fhe Song-thrush, or Mavis (T. musicus), is common all over Britain. The length of the adult male is about nine inches, the female is a little less. Plumage, olive-brown above; the chest and sides, golden buff, wIth triangular patches of black. From its power of song it is a favourite cage-bird. The Missel-thrush, or Storm-cock (T. viscivorus), is somewhat larger. [BLACKBIRD, FIELDFARE, REDWING, RING-OUZEL.]