Thessaly, the largest division of ancient Greece, lay to the S. of Macedonia, and to the E, of Epirus, from which it was separated by the Pindus range; mountains shut in the plain on the N., and Mount Othrys separated it from the states on the S. The Vale of Tempe occupied the N.E. The country was very fertile, being watered by the Peneus and the rivers fiowing into it, and was noted for its breed of horses. Its origin was said to be Pelasgic, but a later settlement was made by Dorian emigrants wbo subdued the original inhabitants. After a time of prosperity, its liberties were curtailed by a succession of despotic rulers. was subdued by Philip of Macedon, and passed into the possession of the Romans. At a period Venice held it, and then it passed to the Turks. A great part of the province now belongs to the kingdom of Greece.