Tertullianus, QUINTUS SEPTIMIUS FLORENS (circa 150-230), the earliest of the Latin fathers, vas born at Carthage. He was the son of a Roman centurion, and received a good education in Greek and Latin. The statement of Eusebius that he became an eminent jurist at Rome is borne out by the forensic style of his works, marked as they are by all the traits, good and bad, which might be expected in a skilful pleader. His conversion to Christianity probably took place between 190 and 195. He became a presbyter at Carthage, bnt was afterwards led by his ascetic views into the Montanist heresy. In judging of his style, which is often harsh and obscure, it must be remembered that he had before him the hard task of inventing a vocabulary and phraseology in which to express Christian ideas. In spite of these difficulties he is a vigorous, terse, graphic, and often eloquent writer. Among his chief works are the Liber Apologeticus, the book De Praescriptione Hereticorum, five books Adversus Marcionem, and treatises De Baptismo, Ad Martyres, and De Corona Militis.