Tennessee, one of the Central States, U.S.A., is in the valley, and to the west, of the Mississippi, having Virginia and Kentucky on the N., Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi on the S., North Carolina on the E. The state, which is 385 miles from E. to W., by 109 miles from N. to S., and contains 41,750 square miles, is divided physically into East, Middle, and West Tennessee; The eastern district extends from the Smoky Mountains to the Cumberland p1ateau, and contains ridges of the Alleghanies, wlth fine scenery. Between the eastern ridge and the table-land (100 miles) is a valley region extending from N. to S. At the S. of the plateau is a valley, through which the Sequatchie flows to join the river Tennessee. The middle portion between the North Tennessee river and the Cumberland Mountains, presents a diversified surface. The western part, between the rivers Tennessee and Mississippi, has a ridge, stretching N. and W. and sloping down towards the Mississippi Valley. Among the mineral productions are coal, second only to that of Pennsylvania in quality and quantity, iron-ore, zinc, and marble. The climate generally is good, and the soil fertile, agriculture and stock-raising being among the chief industries. Others are coal- and iron-working, machinery-making; and cotton, tobacco, and hemp are grown. The Cumberland and Tennessee rivers communicate with the Ohio, and there are nearly 3,000 miles of railway. The state has 96 counties: sends 10 members to Congress, and has for principal cities Nashville, Memphis, and Chattanooga. In the Civil War it joined the Confederates.