Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Tavernier, JEAN BAPTISTE, BARON D'AUMALE (1605-89), traveller, was born in Paris, the son of a designer of maps who had migrated thither from Antwerp. He made several journeys to the East, visiting Turkey, Persia, Hindustan, and the Dutch Indies, and amassed great wealth as a trader in jewels. He was ennobled by Louis XIV. in 1669, and in 1670 purchased the barony of Aubonne in Switzerland. In 1684 he visited Berlin for the purpose of establishing a company to trade in the East, but this scheme collapsed. He died at Moscow on a journey to settle his affairs in the East. His Six Voyages (1676) and Recueil (1679) were valuable for their commercial information, and did much to promote French trade with the Indies.