Tallien, Jean Lambert (1769-1820), French revolutionist, was born in Paris. His Ami des Citoyens, a printed sheet fixed twice a week on the walls of Paris, attracted the notice of the revolutionary leaders, and, having played a prominent part in the attack on the Tuileries and the September massacres, he was elected to the convention (September, 1792). After voting for the death of Louis XVI., and helping to bring about the overthrow of the Girondists, he was sent as proconsul to carry out the Terror in Bordeaux. Here he conceived a passion for the beautiful Comtesse Therese de Fontenay, who convert him to milder views and earned for herself the name of "Our Lady of Pity." Elected President of the Convention, after his return to Paris, he instigated the attack on Robespierre, and after his fall became for a time the most prominent figure on the political stage; but after the close of the Convention he ceased to exercise much influence, and he was soon afterwards deserted by his wife, the former Comtesse. In 1798 he accompanied Bonaparte to Egypt in an official capacity. On his return he was taken prisoner by the English, but was soon released. He died in great poverty.