Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Suwaroff, or SUVOROFF, ALEXANDER VASILIEVICH (1729-1800), Russian general, was born at Moscow. He distinguished himself in the Seven Years' War, the Polish War of 1768-71, and the two wars against Turkey (1773, 1789-90). The Polish War of 1794 was brought to a close by his capture of Praga, a suburb of Warsaw. After the death of Catherine be lived for a time in disgrace in Novgorod, but in 1799 he was placed in command of the army sent to operate against the French in Italy. He defeated Moreau on the Adda; Macdonald on the Trebbia, and Joubert at Novi but owing to the success of Massena, failed to follow up these advantages in Switzerland. He retreated into Russia through Bavaria, dying soon afterward.