Sumach, the general name for various species of the genus Rhus belonging to the Terebinthaceae, a genus which includes also the Japan lacquer-tree. Most of the species are shrubs with pinnate leaves, small, generally unisexual flowers, and small drupaceous fruits. R. venenata, the poison elder, and R Toxicodendron are poisonous American species. R. Coriaria, a native of the Mediterranean area, is the tanning sumach, the leaves of which form the commercial sumach, used in tanning and dyeing; and R. Cotinus, of the same district, is the Venetian Snmach or Wig-tree of our gardens, the branches of which are the yellow dye-wood known as young fustic. It gets its name of wig~tree from the remarkable red-branched plume formed of barren pedicels. We import about 12,000 tons of sumach annually, valued at £135,000, nearly all from Italy.