Strabo (b. circa 63 B.C.), a celebrated geographer, was born at Amasia in Pontus. His mother belonged to a Greek family. He received his early education at Nysa In Caria, and at Rome, and it was probably in the latter city that he continued his studies under the philosopher Xenarchus. The remainder of hls life was devoted entirely to travel. He says of himself: "I have journeyed westwards from Armenia to the parts of Etruria opposite Sardinia; towards the south from the Euxine to the borders of Ethiopia; and perhaps no writer of geographies has visited more places than I have between these limits." Besides the physical and natural productions of the countries described, the Geography discusses the race, life, manners, and trade of the inhabitants, with some historical digression. It is based both on his own observations and the works of Eratosthenes, Polybius, and other Greek writers. There seventeen books, the fourth of which is devoted to Gaul, Britain, and Ireland.