Stereom, the collective name for all the tissue, whether sclerenchyma or collenchyma, which serves as mechanically supporting tissue to the various parts of plants. Collenchyma often serves this purpose in leaf-stalks and herbaceous stems. As illustrating the varied disposition of the stereom, mention may be made of the variously scattered strands of sclerenchyma in the ground-tissue of fern-stems; of the circle of numerous crescentic strands in the cortex of Arum maculatum; of the continuous pericyclic ring in Allium vineale (the crow garlic); or the hypodermal and conjunctive strands in the hollow stem of Juncus glaucus, one of the rushes; and of the sheath of conjunctive stereom general in monocotyledonous stems. [HISTOLOGY, VEGETABLE TISSUES.]