Starling, a book-name for any bird of the Passerine family Sturnidae, and of its type-genus Sturnus, with about ten species, all from the Old World. Unlike most birds of the order, they walk and do not hop, as one may see sparrows do. The Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) is a we11-known British bird, about eight inches in total length; the plumage of the adult male is black, with green, purple, and violet metaillc reflections, and the feathers, except those of the head and neck, bear a triangular buff spot at the tips. These spots are more conspicuous in the winter dress. Starlings are insect-eating birds, and associate in large flocks in the winter. The nest is a rude structure of straw and grass lined with feathers and wool, and contains from four to seven bluish-white eggs.