St Louis
St. Louis a city in the State of Missouri, U.S.A., situated on the Mississippi, 21 miles below its confluence with the Missouri. It ranks fifth in point of population, and forms an important commercial centre. The City is bullt on three terraces, beyond the highest of which extends a broad plain, 4 miles from the river and 2OO feet above its level. Its river frontage is 18-1/2 miles, 3 miles of which are occupied by wharves. The newer part of the town consists of broad, straight streets, but the public buildings, though massive and solid, are not remarkable for the beauty of their architecture; the law courts, the county courthouse, the custom-house, and the post-office are the most important. The city contains two universities (the Washington and the St. Louis), besides numerous schools of high repute. The Eads steel bridge is built on three arches, of which that in the centre has a span of 520 feet and each of the others a span of 504 feet. The history of the city dates back to 1764, when the French Louisiana Fur Company established a station here, but it had made little progress in 1803, when it was acquired by the United States. Since 1840 its growth has been rapid, and its trade continues to increase from year to year. It is the centre of an agricultural district from which it receives large supplies of grain; cotton is also imported extensively, and beer, corn and tobacco rank among its chief products. The principal manufacture is that of boots and shoes. St. Louis is the centre of 18 lines of railroad.