Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Sprenger, ALOYS (b. 1818), eminent German orientalist, was born in the Tyrol, and studied at Innsbruck and in Vienna. His interest in oriental peoples dated from an early period, and in 1836 he collaborated with Munster in the great work on The Military Sciences among the Mussulmans. In 1843 he went to Calcutta, and held various appointments in other Indian cities, and after his return to Europe became professor of oriental languages at Bonn. He published various works, including translations into English of The Gulistan of Sadi (1851), a Life of Mahomet (1851), and Selections from Arabic Authors (1845). He also tnanslated English works into Arabic, and wrote in German The Life and Doctrine of Mahomet (3 vols., 1861-65).